oh yes...i just went shopping with rach (my tiwn..) it was nothing but good, except for that whole spending all my money part...well ive got a nice relaxing night of movies planned and im quite looking forward to it. next week mid terms and the london! why do gross boys ask me out to dinner? im not gross, where are all you hot studs? you...
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ugh...rainy and gross outside. really makes me want to rent movies and eat junk food all night. but on a higher note GoodBoy's set made my afternoon pretty damn good. im about to cut my own hair, like usual. the best part is when other girls walk into the bathroom and look at you with wide eyes, sorta like im crazy cause i can cut...
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yup goodboy is tha hotness
well then...
im a lot crazy-busy this week. i think most of it has to do with preparing for my london/paris/iceland trip thats just over a week away! and all the homework and newspaper work ive got to do. and then theres that money thing...
argh. oh well. i should be having a pretty ok weekend though, hanging out with my twin sister so that...
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Oh my christ! There's two of you? If you have the cash after your Euro/Iceland trip come visit me. pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeze? I'll buy you both some iiiccee creaaammmm...wink

btw, it is cold as fuck in TX in the morning and by 10:30 it's hot as hell. and that's just in March. by april it won't be cold in the morning anymore...
It's called radiative heat-loss or something like that...
you know what i want?
a really nice cute boy who will respect me. thats it...
he doesnt have to be perfect, just respectful and intelligent. the kinda man who wouldnt ever treat me like crap, he'd treat me like the nice girl i am. are there any cute respectful guys out there? anyone?
There are. You will find one when you don't want one. Trust me.
I think there are a couple of us left alive.

Oh, wait, you said intelligent.

Nevermind. blush
lets just say chicago was awesome. and tons warmer than minnesota...no snow too. the ghost were really cool and all in all it was a really really fun time.
the get up kids also, were really really cool last night. one of the most interesting points of the night was when the dreaded ex was spotted so my boyfriend and i decided the best thing...
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well then...
im pretty much on top of the game as far as homework goes...same with the Oracle. *gasp* i might have time to breathe...
tomorrow i leave for chicago and im WAY excited. i dont even care that im going for just a day. one days better than none...

p.s. whats up frank? hows your end of the hall?
My expert opinion is that it is entirely too early to be this late at night.
am i a bad person? im listening to my roomate have a nervous breakdown in the hallway on the phone cause its more interesting that the speech im supposed to be writing...
i got an email from missy today, theyre still working on my set...patience right?
i guess the longer they work on it the more likely it will be accepted right? id like to...
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Ahh! SG's everywhere! They're in the walls, we can't stop them!

*Has Aliens II flashbacks*

Yah, eitherway, want some squirtguns? I got billions of them for a nickle a piece, and now I'm handing them for the purpose
As when you get thrown out so your roomie can have sex with someone.... or something....

*Cue X-files Theme*
hello there...
today i invented poetry for an assignment. my professor is a crazy, funny 30 something sorta guy and i like him a lot, but only when i can understand him. ive been in college for 3 whole years and ive never had to give a presentation before and i have one due in a couple days. that bums me out. it also bums...
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directions please?
D4 was awesome last night in case you didnt go...
my argumentation class teaches me how to argue well so i can win fights and stuff but im somehow just not motivated to do all this work. seems to me like this theme keeps popping up into my life...
im in love with diet coke. it wont ever hurt me, will it? maybe if i...
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hope to see you go pink! that second application pic is uber-hot
thank you!!
well then...its been quite awhile since ive updated this thingy...
im at work, what do i do? well im a librarian here at school. ask me a question and its quite possible that i will be too lazy to help you and lie so i dont have to get up.
im really glad last week is over, now i just have to get through next...
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I haven't got anyone to do it, and I am also lacking in cameras and chainsaws. I do have a couple of impressive monster claws, though. and I suppose I could come up with a head that would hold up under all but close scrutiny.
why is it that each time i sign on aim someone i dont want to talk to wants to talk to me?
i want it to be the weekend. i want to see D4...
ohhhh, but tomorrow...
im going to the coffman union at the u of m to see chuck d from public enemy do a poetry reading. not only is that uber cool,...
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I know how the AIM thing goes. WHen is the D4 concert? That'd be badass to go to. The Distillers are coming here in april, I like them alot. How was the Chuck D reading? That's sounds kinda funnu, but interesting at the same time. Old school rapper reading poetry, it just doesn't fit the stereotype of a rapper - if that makes any sense.
Hmm. I haven't logged onto AIM since shortly after the automatic programs started popping up to try and sell me things. has it gone downhill since then?
serious shit...

my privacy has been violated. if you are reading this, you will not have to question whether or not i am talking about you. when you read this, you will know...
my privacy has been violated, and im pissed off. this is my non-confrontational way to say "fuck off" more or less. there are certain ways to make things ok again, and whats...
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Chihuahuas are fun, but so are Tanuki. It's just that not so many people know about Tanuki. And I guess not really existing counts against them, too.
i was violated by a chihuahua once...... frown