I know I'm not much of a blogger when it comes to this site, and it seems I mainly blog to complain about things. I don't mean to, and I don't come looking for sympathy, but the people here actually seem to care, plus it helps for me to get things off my chest.

My girlfriend and I are in a long distance relationship. She...
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It will work out eventually. Keep at it.

While AMAs are more suited to the lovely ladies on this site I am bored out of my skull and figured if anyone asks anything I'll have something to do by answering, so... to everyone feel free to ask anything you'd like and I will answer tomorrow as I'm going to sleep. Have a good night, all.

'who is your daddy and what does he do?' Wait. No. That's from 'Kindergarten cop'. Who is your biggest influence and why?
@iggy I can't really say I have a biggest influence. It might sound cliche' I know, but I pull influence from a lot of people and places if it's something logical. If I was hard pressed to give a biggest influence I'd have to say my dad because I got a lot of knowledge and skill from him and a big part of my mindset also comes from him.

Since it's summer time more people are out and having a good time, but I have to admit, I actually feel more lonely during the summer. During the winter it's understandable why people don't want to get out, but now that the weather is cooperating can't find anyone to get out with. I don't mean to complain or ask for sympathy/pity, just wanted to get...
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While I obviously can never be a suicide girl, so I can't be part of that specific community, one thing I have to say I really like about this place is that it really does seem like a community, which you don't see on other sites.


I pretty much expected I'd be on my own so I shared it with some ribs and beer. Next year I'd like to spend it with another human... oh well... one can hope...

Happy Birthday! You are with us, don't worry :)
Thank you :)

Go out to fix a business' internet service, get hit in the head with a cash register drawer. I now know what it's like to live in a three short.


So I was checking facebook to find that it would be the birthday of a close friend who passed a couple years ago. My friend, Stephen, loved have a good time with loved one, drinks, and mostly he loved everyone. People say that about a lot of people, but with Steve it was true. He always welcomed everyone with a smile, a hug, and if...
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Or is it?

I'm not sure if I'm the only out there, but I'm just not feeling any xmas spirit this year? Maybe I used it all up before Thanksgiving rebuilding the family star decoration? Maybe life just beat it out of me? I'm just hoping that the rest of you are having a wonderful holiday season!