ummm another fun weekend.

kissed the GF good bye for a while. heading up to the Big Bear to help my dad out with the house hope everyone is good smile
awww i love big bear! we had a house there all of my growing up!!!!
have a good weekend sweetie
ok so the weekend started out pretty long. I had to drive a bunch of soldiers out to 29 Palms on friday morning for some training. I had to be in Orange county at 130am to pick them up then went to breakfast at Dennys oh yeah! puke Drove until about 530am when we got there. I took a nap for about an hour then joined...
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just wanted to say hey to everyone. i'm headed out gotta go do some army training smile should be back saturday. smile
hey you!! i just wanted to stop by and say hi while i had the chance. my internet and life are screwy right now. so ill comment back later.

have a beautifull day!!

hey sorry i've been lame and not updating lately. things have been good but busy lately. a new guitar player started playing with me and my buddy this week and he kicks ass. hopefully something good will come of it. were practicing again tomorrow. ooo aaa
ok so drunk angry people are no fun. i was at my friends place a little while ago and had to leave because i seriously was gonna hurt this guy.

oh well..... time for sleep i have to be at work at 5 am so....good night

ok so it's 8 in the morning, but i haven't slept yet so it's like night to me!
wheres all the details? what happend?
so...yeah....long few days.

its been blistering hot lately.

I have to wear long sleeves to work just cause well you know and it gets a lil warm.
in other news i met a wonderful girl....i'm fallin for her bad and it sucks cause i met her in the army. she's getting ready to head over which blows. i just frikin got back. i'm gonna be...
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ok sorry i've been a stranger. things have been keeping me a lil busy. i hope everyone has a fantastic weekend and be safe. smile
yeah thats what ive been doing all day
ok so....

yesterday was such a bad ass day. i went to the warped tour. i walked in and atreyu had just started their set. the rest of the bands kicked ass all day. loved avenged sevenfolds set, thrice kicked ass, MCR is always great live, the offspring rocked their old stuff. and well it was a great day. Fall out boy was the last...
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omg!! that is killer! now i have to get my ass some moeny and go to warped!!!
blush kiss

I wish I coulda went to the warped tour
sorry i've been a stranger the last couple weeks. things have been pretty busy out this way. hope everyone has a fun and safe 4th. I'm on my way out the door goin to the Warped tour.
well i just wanted to say today was a bit on the lame side. I had to drive an hour and a half each way to a 20 minute dentist appointment because my army unit thought that was the only dentist on the face of this earth that was qualified at looking at my teeth and saying "yeah you're good" mad mad but it did make my...
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havent talked to you inforever , hope your doing well.... kiss
even if i don't get to go to warped, alkaline trio is going to make up for it. i love them smile
Hope everyone had a great weekend. I just got home from Bad Religion @ the House of Blues in Hollywood. FUCKIN AWESOME SHOW!!! Death by Stereo kicked ass too. smile smile Went to my cousins graduation party on Saturday and he's taking off to the Naval Academy next week so it was good times. Well i'm off to bed. muah kiss wink blush
yay for bad religion! i had a rad weekend cept the sun burn!! kiss
squee!!! me and my janey girl are always commenting on your journals next to eachother. i dont know why that is so neat to me but it is.

you should email me your adress and ill give you mine, im starting a penpal collection!!!!! i really will write to you if you write to me!!

so im not moving overseas for awhile due to the time constraints involved with work visas blahblah blah so if sarahjane is still in are you still in for us visiting this fall????

it would be ever sooooo mother fucking rad.

ps im insanely jealous of you for seeing bad religion. how i wish wish WISH id been there.

hey everyone....umm today was a good day. I went to work, wished SarahJane a happy birthday, took my dad's vette to the shop (man that things is fun to drive) and just finished dinner. i'm just gonna stay home and work on some stuff tonight. hope everyone is doing well. oh yeah and I'm super excited I get to see BAD RELIGION on sunday biggrin biggrin
did you feel the earthquake ?
oh and i meant to tell you, i like your new profile pic! biggrin