This is a video I made for my friends band Ocean Conveyors.
I'm pretty new to this whole thing, this is the first filming and editing I've done on my own, and I'm pretty much self taught.
Sorry for the crappy quality, blame youtube...chances are this will be a work in progress I'll add bit to it when I get more footage and generally re-make...
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s'not bad man...
when is it you're gonna be in glasgow?
happy drunk day duderino
Ask any dope rat where their junk sprang and they'll say they scraped it from that who scored it from this who bought it off so and after four or five connections the list always ends with the Pin. But I bet you got every rat in town together and said 'show your hands' if any of them've actually seen the Pin, you'd get a...
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Good news for next year!!

Student loan looks totally feasible
Place to stay looks pretty much confirmed
A letter in the post saying I've to present a portfolio in two weeks time

Finally things have taken a turn for the better.

In related news, could someone in the fair city of Glasgow give me a wee corner to rest my noggin for the night on...
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or maybe just good timing... im usually very lazy blush
I was feeling pretty ropey the past few days, I've also been out of shaving foam for about a week so I had a lot of facial fungus...not that I don't like face fungus, I just don't like having a beard unless I overtly plan to.
However, I just had a shave about 2 minutes ago and I feel fucking great...does anyone else experience this...
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I suffer from post-shave misery.
Looks like I could be moving to either Aberdeen or Glasgow for college next year.
I was planning on Perth college but they aren't running the course I was planning to do, the closest alternative is Kircaldy, which is even more of a hike from where I live just now. Which means I would have to work probably full time to afford the travel, seeing...
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don't go to into education
hehe i dropped out twice and look at me...


if you're gonna be moving down to glasgow, you should come have a fucking beer and a smoke!
nah man, i've been stayin in glasgow the last 4 years, less the time i spent in new zealand...

ayem so i've got the next weekend or sommatr set aside for folk comin down, but give us a shout if you fancy a day trip... 'tll only cost you a smoke tongue
Newcastle was amazing.
I've persisted with this 'being in a good mood' thing since I got up this morning after a brief shitstorm when I got back last night.
It really took the edge off the shit time I've had since about this time last year, seeing my ex-girlfriend was nice because it wasn't awkward at all.
All in all a good weekend. smile
This weekend I am Newcastle bound to hang with my friend Martin and no doubt all the other 'canny' lads and lasses down there.
I'll be there from Friday through Sunday and I think we're going out on the Saturday night, not sure where though.
Hopefully this will make up for the otherwise shite time I've had over the past few months.
have fun

I am fucking fed up with just about everything just now.

No money, how trite.
No company
No band
No voice
No friends this weekend because of the fucking fuel 'strike' and the fucking zoomers that go out and panic buy. TAKE A BUS TO WORK YOU FUCKING MONGOL!
No patience

The only remotely good thing that happened this week was that I prestiged...
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Nothing notable has happened this week, but it has persisted to be shite.
I have no fucking idea what I'm doing next year if I don't get into time based art next year, which is the likely conclusion.
Also, I have equally as little idea of what I'm doing tomorrow night or indeed the weekend.
I'm working all 5 days next week, potentially four if...
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of course.

I just destroyed my kitchen.
Pulled out a juice jug from one of the cupboards and pretty much everything fell out of it; well, not everything just a bunch of glass bowls and a few mugs.
One landed on my sore ankle from Georgia but I managed not to cut myself despite the fact I was in my bare feet...fucking scary though.
Worst part is...
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Aw, you could just tell them it's the thought that counts!