I am back in Germany and wow. Beer, wine, and mmmmm smells like females. Two things I missed the most about being gone: ( and no one of them is not sex)

1. Beer and food

Nothing like a colawisen and a good burger to make a homecomming good.

2. The smell of a woman close to you.

I don't mean the smell after...
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Good luck with the marriage adventure.

I'm pretty muchin the same boat.
Enough to fix the overgrown top layers of my hair. Don't worry, it's still past my shoulders.
Man I am so tired.

I am just getting off my last guard duty shift. Two weeks 4 hours in the tower, during the day, 4 asleep. The 4 more hours at night, then 4 more asleep. Repeat this for two weeks. 15 days no time off. I think I am going to pass out for 48 hours. Nothing beats the pure bordom of a...
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Ew ew EW, I would go crazy if I saw one of those things in the gym. Then I would spend the rest of my life gibbering and wrapped up in a blanket and totally refusing to move my ass off the couch ever again.

Why do you get a 4-on, 4-off schedule? It seems like four hours of sleep would just make you more tired than you were before. But maybe circumstances make that different.

Also: no one's really normal. We all just fake it enough to get by. smile
Ok, so only 3 more months to go and I am out of this place. Back to some normality in Germany. Then its off to Itialy. O I can't wait. Its getting much more cold now in Iraq. I find this odd being that the summer was so very hot. I mean 150 in the shade for weeks at a time would tell me that...
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dammage was sent to louisiana with his unit to help with hurricane relief. but.......i found out hes coming home today!! biggrin
Man I am so #$%^@ bummed. SG is comming to Tucson of all places and to Club congress one of my fav places to hang out. While I am stuck in Iraq. @#$% Why did I join up again. I mean Iraq is great and all but its not Club Congress with SG there.

<Weeping so the other soldiers can't hear>
Shi frown
That sucks. Sympathies. frown
Reading the training manual is easier (and safer!) than trying to figure out everything hands-on, though, isn't it?

Plus, like, I'm guessing you get to do something cool once the book's finally done and read through. Whereas I... get to go buy a new highlighter after class this afternoon. Score.
Its getting hot down here, please let me go back to Germany, I have been in iraq for to long I am starting to go a bit stir crazy, I don't know how much longer I can take being stuck in a 2 mile square FOB. Thats like never leaving your house for an entire year. I don't even remember what women smell like? <Little...
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Hi! I see you like Michael Parkes too. That's so awesome. smile Not too many people know who he is. Take care of yourself down there. I was surprised you could Starbucks here in Germany, I've only seen 2 so far, both in the walkplatz in Wiesbaden. How long do have to go on your deployment?
Well, I am still in Iraq. Its hot and no fun. Other than the fire works show the local insergents gave us for the 4th of July party. Ears are still ringing. lol Its so nice to get internet now. After 9 months of phone calls that cut out they approved the set up of internet. O how I missed the girls on this site....
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To fucking cool,
I just got a phone call from my bestest friend ever Joanna. She got my message and I get to see her while I am here in Tucson for leave. Goodie. No I am happy all things in the world are right for the moment. 10 days left and counting.

Well, I am back on R&R to the states. Wow what a odd feeling. The feeling that the states is not your home, that things are some how different. That and I have not seen a female in about 5 months. So that could be most of the shock. But I do miss internet connection Its so nice to see my favorit web page and...
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Iraq is boring. Its as normal as can be expected in a war zone. If it were not for this site I could not make it thru the year. I wish I could talk more about this desert place but alas I have to go.

Ray Missing home in the US desert. frown
Well, Its a year later and guess what. I did not find that sugarmama I wanted insted I am in the US Army heading to Germany. Thats right cant act cant sing join the army? I think I am mentaly ill. Its nice to be back online again tho. I missed this site. The people are so odly confortable. What to do in Germany. I...
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This is your generic holiday message