Sorry i haven't updated much i have been busy with my bf... and work... and school... and i just got over being sick.

Tonight we are going up to the mountains again which should be fun it usually is.

i made a few new friends on sg tonight so i have some people to talk to... no new pics yet but i am expecting to...
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thanks bebe!

yes, yes i do have a lot of time. i, the pathetic unemployed, and ...uhm.. un-colleged.. I HAVE NOTHING TO DO is what im trying to say. ahhaha. god that was hard. maybe i do need that education-damn.
I have to work today... frown but look i am looking forward to the end of the day i will have money and thinking about maybe later tonight going to the movies with my bf but we will see nothing is for sure... as i have been writing this i have been sneezing and it really sucks!

Yesterday i watched my bf fix his car for...
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...i spy you online right now
that car looks like it's suffering frown
I love my boyfriend... more than anyone... we had a very serious emotional conversation and we put everything out there and things are good now we figured out what was wrong and worked through it and i am happy again. i didnt think i could feel this way about someone again and i found him. he makes me happy and i want to make him...
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i'm so happy for you! smile i need to go out and find me a good woman already wink
Ok so i had my ultrasound and nothing showed up which is good... I spent my anniversary with my bf at a junk yard and when i got home i got sick so we didnt get to go out... yesterday i didnt feel good but i decided i wanted to go to the mountains to get away from everything that sucks... well needless to say...
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i'm sorry. frown

hey ill hit ya up after work(which im bout to go to) get well soon doll
So i woke up yesterday in the worst pain ever... went to the doctor to find out i have an ovarian cist... and im not happy... i have to take pills twice a day and i have to have a pelvic ultrasound..... tomorrow is my one month with my bf and this happens.... im not susposed to work today but i am covering a shift...
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God I know how you feel! i've been getting cysts on my ovaries for years and it sucks balls!
I woke up on Friday and I was peeing blood. I hate UTI's. I get them more than I should for some dumb reason.
Hugs for my angry ovary sister! kiss
I hope you feel better smile
OK so here's an update.

I got my laptop back finally!

One problem... they reformatted it but... it still has the same problem so i have to give it back frown.

Today is my boyfriends birthday and so far it has been a good day. We are going to the mountains tonight to see our friends so it should be a pretty kick back night....
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Can we talk? I'm a Brazilian guy, film scholl student and more.
Hooray for me!
I just got done paying all my bills for the month of April. I still have 150$ left in the back plus my tips from work until i get paid again next week.

My boyfriend took me out to dinner last night and to the movies it was the cutest thing ever cause he surprised me... only problem is his b-day is...
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hmm mbest b day present..dinner and a bj, simple, and ALWAYS works trust me
good luck on your set and nice pet. oink!
oooooo best of luck. PIGGY!!!!
i agree..fish is nasty. barf
I went slightly insane hehe I am teh better now biggrin well right now however, I go sleep for a bit..

And tell Kemper I said fish rocks!
So the last guy i was seeing describes me as a mistake according to his new myspace name. Overall i had a pretty good weekend i made money... but other than that i am starting to get stressed again... i feel like i dont do enough so i try to do more then i get stressed and its already making me sick i just need...
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People usually say negative things about others when they have lost something good so don't worry about it. Try not to stress out so much... I used to stress out a lot and it was a waste of time stressing out over nothing. If it help I don't have a job yet wink Cute set by the way smile

Just relax and let things come. I know that is easier said than done, by just try it.
If the guy thinks that you are a mistake, it is his problem. So don't stress.
Talk to you later!