In all honesty, i am slightly annoyed, since my last blog i also changed my sentence thingymabob to "If you add me send me a message hello and why your adding me" or something to that description.. so the message was pretty clear, since that time i've had two people friend request me and no message sent.. Now, im not complaining that people want to...
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i deff understand your point someone shouldnt add you if they dont want to talk to you! i added you because as your blog just proved your cool as fuck <3kiss
Haha thanks Zeb! I try my best ;P I'm all too happy to have friends requests but i want the friend with it XD
PANCAKES!!.. Cakes you make in a pan tongue
So today is pancake day, can't wait to get my pancake on and get my face all up in it XD
Is everyone else excited about eatting pancakes? tongue what toppings do you put on your pancakes? Let me know the weird, exciting or even the normal variations that you have tried or want to try tongue hehe

And heres...
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Pancakes!!!! I had mango ones for breakfast smile though i think peanut butter and jam ones will steal the limelight for my desert tonight!
what are your faves??
I don't like peanut butter, so unfortunatly i will not be trying that one, can with Jam tongue.. never tried one with just fruit hmm, must try that.. my favorite tho is Nutella chocolate spread on it.. NOM!
I'm naked!.. good, now that i've got your attention i can speak.. yes i am actually naked, and thats because I am in bed ready to go to sleep, but as usual I am currently not so tired.
So.. i've decided to write a blog because im bored and i havent wrote one in a while, but what to talk about? Could be geeky and...
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Your most welcome manda, and you are so very pretty smile
thank you so much for the sweetness!!!! blushblushblushbiggrinbiggrinbiggrin
So... I'm tired, and quite stressed.
Been kept awake for 2 hours because yet again my best friend decides that at whatever time i go to bed to sleep, (because i'm tired), is a good time to have rampent sexy with his girlfriend.. we all got home from being at our local watering hole, was just about to go to bed when they decided they...
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Today was a good day at work, better than I expected.. As the line I ran went much better than it has been for the last few lineleaders that ran it before.. must mean im just awesome *gloats*

I can't get a song out of my head though, really love this song and love the band

'Neon Trees' is their name and they are singing...
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Well, spoke to my lovely fiance yesterday properly for the first time in nearly 3weeks XD
She's been busy at uni.. mainly procrastinating like she usually does, and inbetween procrastinating she does some art work and sleep tongue her usual wake up time is near 2pm.. its not entirely her fault.. she has sleep apnea
She's doing Fine Art at uni and her project at the...
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Well my weekend has been most boring.. Gf has gone back to uni so not seen her, all my friends either have worked on the weekend or had plans with their gf/bf .. so been lazing around in just my shorts going commando and drinking at 4pm whilst watching very old movies on tv..
In more lightening new on the weekend is that Katie Perry...
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Well well well, turns out this blog malarky isn't as bad as i thought it would be.. 5mins from writing my first one i had two friend requests, and thank you two for wanting to be my friend tongue
Now don't think i'll be writing one everyday! Im still lazy tongue i got other things to do like lie down watch tv and play on the playstation...
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Heey SG world,
Well as everytime I go onto my profile the blog section says to me "you haven't done anything to me, you haven't even thought about me have you? I thought we were friends"...
Ok maybe it hasn't exactly said that but i heard that voice in my head every time i saw the section. Well in all honesty i'm not a blog...
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