Feeling something surface again.
Not a fan.
I love myself, and most major pieces of my identity.
But this.. my self destructive other half.
The one that crumbles all that is well.
Is coming up front ..
I am trying to push away the need to cause myself more damage.
Fact is i will totally win. But i hate the lingering emotion of discomfort, and...
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seems my roommate is having girl trouble. permanently. seems girls are trouble.
I am trying to avoid grabbing the reigns and taking control for her so she does not lose control.
But that is not my responsibility.
I feel pain watching others suffer. Others feel anguish. Others feel suffering.
Wish not to have a hero complex.
Wish not to feel so complex with my...
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contemplative indeed

i'm tired, and a bit discouraged about work,

but i will get over it

once i get over it

be well
2 more day's of work, then freedom.
Freedom to go buy pants, have a few drinks and hopefully do nothing stupid.
Though, i am not sure if i can avoid trouble for three day's, or if for that matter i want too.
Seems about time i get out of the house, and do something for myself.
Maybe go for dinner, go dancing, go walk around...
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sounds like an excellent plan

have a good time in and out of your new pants!

I think i am going to get tattooed on my forehead. Fuck It.
So i have been festering in a pile of shit. I want out of it. I am going to get out of it.

*yawns* not today, i am tired.

i am not symmetrical,

but i am balanced


i enjoy the attention

and i talk a blue streak in person

words on my tongue

ton on my mind

certain obsessions

rare confessions,

cuz i am a bit shy when it comes to myself

my ideas have free reign

and i am a junkie to experiences

but i just don't assume that anybody wants to hear about my past

either that, or i just have a poor memory

Getting out of this mind-frame that i am so un-lovable...
My life is very strange right now.
All i can think about is Kate. All i want to do is be with Kate. Sleep next to her. Fuck her. Get fucked by her. Be there, for as long as it could possibly work out. Kate. Kate. Kate. It's very frustrating.
And she's in it, but...
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What a horrible situation all around! I'm not sure if that's the answer or not but you are in a hole of some sort based on your past blogs, and SOMETHING needs to change.

Wishing you the best.

you put one foot in front of another

try and do things that interest you

that interest you alone

and don't look now, but see what happens

the world is your oyster, pearl girl

Been listening to some really sappy music lately. Think that needs to stop.
Keep thinking moving to edmonton would be really super since i miss it. But then i think, that moving somewhere for someone, isnt the brightest idea i have ever had in my life... again.
She came, and it was great.
And now she is gone again.

I am not tough. Or maybe the fact that, i cried after is what makes me tough.

Maybe i am weak for feeling. Maybe i am weak for hiding it.

Or maybe i am smart knowing the offering would do very little and i would still be sitting alone.

I still wonder if...
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I sometimes struggle to know whether I'm depressed or not too. It seems like the kind of thing you'd just know, doesn't it?

Anyway, I hope you're feeling a bit better about things.

SPOILERS! (Click to view)

That was a bit random, wasn't it? wink

Well my friday has arrived. Last day of work over, thank god. Wasn't sure i would make it out alive...

Kate will be here, saturday. I think... for a couple day's.
I am honestly surprised she is coming. I really didn't believe her a month ago when she said she would.
I keep wondering if toying with this beloved ex is such a smart idea......
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I am really tired of waking up with headaches...

thank goodness for advil and it's magical.
I work today, and i am not ready for it.

Like working with cute people. Makes it fun.
oh i love advil ... i've had headaches all my life ... if it weren't for ibuprophen, i'd have gone nuts long ago! biggrin
So she comes this weekend, and as much as i am excited to see her, to be near her.
I know that, i will end up feeling vulnerable and all used up. I think i am blinded by what it could be, instead of seeing the truth.

I am very tired, of people wanting to use me for companionship, for sex, for love.
Tired of...
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*hugs* i'm often drawn to extreme people ... it usually ends badly ... i hope this goes well for you - nothing's worse than being heartbroken