Wow. So, I haven't said anything in a while. What's happened in my life? Many things. The agent who has expressed interest went ahead and rejected the manuscript, but he did so with a three page, very detailed letter explaining what worked and what didn't, some suggested reading, and a very clear interest in any future material. My writing group made it clear that agents...
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Sounds promising, I hope it works out eventually... wink
Good luck!
Hectic. There comes a point when your available time and your scheduled time intersect. That's where I am. My time is spent writing, or reading crits for my group or for the Dead Channel or just to keep up with the genre. And there's nothing much left. I really don't like my job.
But you love being busy, right? Life's like that. Plus, it's New Comic Day. Yay.
I am *Busy*. Crazy busy. Insane. Things in my life:

Agent requests manuscript. This leads to many hours of reformatting and printing and copying and preparing and what have you. Stressful.

My big secret writing project has gone public. Please go read all the cool stuff at The Dead Channel

Or whatever.
I have for you a xmas present. Some friends and I got together and formed a sort of writing collective. Kind of. We're providing free content online, stories and stuff. We're going to be updating every week, so drop by on wednesdays to see what's new. Here's the link.

Dead Channel

Anyway. A festive Yule, all.
Today is totally my birthday. I got a videogame, a box of jellybeans, and a brushed steel Lamy Studio fountain pen. I'm excited. But here at work? No heat. I'm cold, and it's difficult to type.
Feel free to steal. I'm happy to have helped in some small way. wink
I had no idea it had been so long since I updated. Man. Let's see, this week the battery on my wife's car ran so low that, not only did the remote not unlock the door, but the key would not open it either. That's right, folks, in the really nice cars even the manual lock is electronic. This means, if your battery completely dies,...
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We're playing Candyland, we're cheating at Candyland, we're taking our shirts off. I'm not sure I follow the narrative structure.

Whatever. Yay pretties!
And for that, I am glad.smile
Well, I've done the damn thing. While at the con this last weekend, an agent asked to see my book. The proposal is in the mail right now. mumble-something-humph.

There's a range of things that could come of this. The first and most obvious is Nothing. I could get yet another rejection in the form of my own cover letter stamped, in so many words,...
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Thumbs up. It's a great first step, wherever it leads.
Well, I've just returned from the World Fantasy Convention in Madison. I have to tell you, it was madness. I'm very tired. Every night involved wandering room parties, drinking free beer and talking to people in hallways. The nice thing is that it was almost entirely industry people. I mean, the only people there who weren't writers, editors or agents were spouses/s.o. to same. Nuts....
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Okay! You have one year! Get crackin'!

And no. No, you may not pretend that the pancakes are cookies. However, I do have a ricotta cookie recipe. I've never tried it and can't say whether it's any good (and therefore won't post it -- only the recipes that turn out to be decent are worth passing along, IMO). Have you had the cookies before?
Oh. Okay. Well, I like cookies and pancakes, but it seems like a weird connection. Waffles vs. pancakes makes sense. Cookies vs. brownies makes sense. Cookies vs. pancakes, me no understandy. They do not serve the same food function!
This is how things happen, usually. I'm going on vacation. In order to go on vacation, I have to work my ass off the week before, because the people who are supposed to fill in for me can't really do that, so I have to try to get everything done that might need to be done while I'm gone. That's an impossible task, of course,...
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