This guy I used to go to high school with would always tell me things like "If a squeaky noise comes out when you fart, it means your ass is a virgin," and "My feminine side is gay." If someone told me these things today, I'd probably not be able to control the urge to punch them in the face. These comments are soooo high...
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For today's therapy session, I'm actually going to use someone else's blog, @lavonne . This is her entire blog on self-love. When I had initially read the blog, my immediate reactions to a lot of what she said were reactions of confusion and a bit of anger. However, upon further digestion of the words written, I have come to the conclusion that the main point...
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When we don't want to forgive someone there's often a feeling of "I can't believe I let them do that to me" that needs to be addressed too. Which ties into the self love stuff.Β 
I always work from what's inside first, and not worry about what other people are doing, or how to get love, attention, etc. Self love is important for its own sake. If you create it it should be without expectations. But! The way self love changes how people perceive you can be very powerful, and very attractive to others.Β 

@kezia @soraleia @chefbeth @stelara @groovydelight @brutiful @annalee @vanissa @psypher @moenika @lestis @cattleya @sundew @tchabada @roo_morgue @leviathan @goetia @maree @marxy @lavonne @venom @princesssailor @malaika87 @bellamazona @bizkit @taz_ @bluevail @anoukevil

It's been years, and I mean YEARS, since I've done anything Valentines Day, like even acknowledge it's existence. Yes I know some of you are married and or not single, but it's all with the friendliest intentions....
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Happy Valentine's Day!! 😊
woow! this is so pretty !! you are a wonderful person!! Thanks for remembering us! That is so cute!Thanks for being so sweet and kind !! ❀‿❀ I also wish him the best! I hope you find a great love! you are so special πŸ’–

I recently took a look at who is following me. I do not put a whole lot into who is following me, although I won't lie, there are a couple of people who I really wish I'd get a follow from because I soooooooo adore their work. But because most of the time I'm doing blogs about my own psychology and I usually write depressing...
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Let me start off with the goals I did not do good at: 1) songs about being free-I flat out forgot about this. However, I also want to say that upon further contemplation of this, I think this is a huge homework assignment but one that should be done later, much later.

2)yoga video-procrastination? Laziness? No motivation? But, I did find a video that I...
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I like your collage and looking forward to what you'll come up with by combining/contrasting religion and fashion. Come to think of it, I find it difficult to grasp the idea of a "religion magazine" - I don't think we even have those...or maybe you mean a church publication? I have a soft spot for some of today's top models, especially Karlie Kloss. She's certainly mainstream, but appears totally grounded and natural, at least as I gather from her FB activity.

I came across this while doing my homework pinterest board for therapy. I don't know for sure if Kurt Cobain actually wrote this but it sounds like something he'd say and it looks like his handwriting. There are so many avenues of fucked up shit I got with this that I don't even want to get into it right now. I'll just say that my
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I've been carrying you inside me for so many years, that a lot of the time it feels as if it's you who is me and I am just an outside observer. All these things that I want to accomplish in life, you block them out and act like they are stupid insignificant visions that are not achievable because you are the master, and you...
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goals for next tuesday. 1)find songs about being free 2) go on naturewalk/photo journey 3)collage 4) do painting 5)watch yoga video and 6)workout.

Have you ever eaten a brain? I did once. It was Greek Easter, and greek people have this tradition of eating every single body part of the lamb. I tried the brain with some lemon on it, and it tasted horrible! Never doing that again. EVER! Anyway, last therapy session my therapist wanted to try something new. I was going to talk about my abuse...
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Hello "my corner of the earth" I have been neglecting you. It's been a constant challenge to stay away from the bad, and I have been a loser most of the time, but there is always hope. So, I have massive amounts of free time, here is whats on my mind:

current song in my head: Just Like You by Three Days Grace

This is...
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Wow thank you for the shout out. And for the kind wordsπŸ˜™ I'm glad that you took the time to look up Chief Dan George. He's very wise. You're certainly not unlovable hun. You're just finding the wrong people. I totally know how you feel about being stuck in that rut of addiction and feeling helpless. I feel the same way regarding my bipolar disorder. It gets in the way of relationships all the time. I'm sorry you feel that way. I do enjoy reading your thoughts though. You seem to think and write the same way that I do. Very free flowing. ❀

It's almost felt like a nightmare not being on here. There's no point in explaining the different methods I looked into in trying to renew, whatever, I found a way, it's over with. What there is point in explaining is how disgusted I feel towards my fellow Greek people. I have money to buy something, and yet I"m not allowed to buy it. The capital...
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@karanlit is our perfect babe!
Ooooooh, thank you 😘 😘 😘 

Simply put, this is beauty!! I'm so in love with her sets and pics........@kelseykaos, I'm so sorry for misspelling your name, I think in my video I put KelseyChaos, which isn't a username that exists. I hope she becomes pink ASAP!!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I remember when this came out, I was listening to it non-stop for like five days. My most fav nirvana song...