I'm going to do at least one of my goals, because everything else has been a disaster. Writing a blog about a passage from the GA book is in fact a hypocrisy in terms of me doing it because I do not wish to stop gambling. I'm looking at this goal as an attempt to gather psychological information, rather than trying to stop gambling because...
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vulnerability is not weakness-emotional risk, exposure, uncertainty. Vulnerability is our most accurate measurement of courage. To create something that has never existed before-that's vulnerability. Adaptability to change is all about vulnerability.

Walk through and find your way around the 'swamp of shame', not to build a home there. This reminds me of a comment somoene had made during a GA meeting, "You got to walk...
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Lot's of information in this particular video. I understood all of it, but I didn't connect with all of it. Here is just some notes and comments on the whole video:

Connection- Is why we are here. It gives purpose and meaning in our lives. The ability to feel connected, is how we are wired.

You know, my initial definition to the phrase "we are...
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It's all because I live in Greece. It's all because I have a gambling problem. It's all because I'm a fat fuck. It's all because I smoke two packs a day. It's all because I have little or no self-esteem. It's all because I'm too good of a person to stick up for myself. It's all because it's been six years since I've had any...
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In the first part of this, I'm going to be referring to music. The word alternative, and this is just my opinion, maybe it's true maybe not, was a marketing phrase created in the early 90's directed at kids who were buying/listening to rock style music, that was strictly about art and not associated with image, or the exploitation of women, or testosterone. Regarding the...
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How do you get each lighting style? You get hard light with 1 really small light source, and far away. Nothing beats direct sunlight on a sunny day because the sun is super bright and really far away, so in perspective, it's tiny. Or one light bulb in a room... Not always the most flattering. Soft light is the opposite. On a cloudy day, the clouds disperse the light across the entire sky so it's nice and soft. Fuzzy shadow edges. Indoors, you can use window light, so it acts as a barrier to soften the light of the sun, or use a big box to make the light source bigger than just a light bulb. It's called a softbox. You can also use an umbrella, as they spread light everywere, but you have less control over the direction od the light than a softbox... It literall just goes everywhere, so it ends up being a soft light source.... I could talk alllllllll day about lighting and why things are called what they are called and how you do it. Hahahaha 😛
@kezia thank you so much for that! I personally prefer the whole 'soft light' way...@coolicio There is so much I want to know about your experiences on this site. Your first set on here is one in which you are posing with a plush unicorn and in every picture, the background is black. How was that done? Also, what are your views on how the sets have changed in style/attitude/camera technology, today vs ten years ago?

I've always known of Alice In Chains. Dirt is one of my favorite albums ever! But their first album, Facelift, I'm not familiar with except for Man In The Box. I came across this video today,

and I was speechless. Speechless, not only because this is a very haunting and awesome song, but speechless because....Layne, what the fuck man!!!!!!????????????????????????????????????????????? The first thought that always comes...
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So yesterday, I was reading some chapters from a self-esteem workbook, and the second paragraph begins with "In a sense, love is the foundation of the effective stress management because it is the foundation of mental health and self-esteem." Well, that certainly explains a lot of my troubles doesn't it? To me, and I assume most people, love is the "I care about you/something" type...
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I want to start out with a couple things regarding the porn industry in general, because a lot of other reviews of this movie out there are accusing the film of depicting the porn industry in a negative view when in fact the movie only wants to show the amateur porn side of the business, nothing else. Why does someone have sex with people in...
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I think people will generally be either for or against porn. My family are religious so they would all frown on any aspect of it. Personally do I find it glamorous? Uhm for me it's just entertainment I guess. I go through phases. Sometimes I won't watch it for a week and sometimes I'll watch it 4 nights in a row. I don't really consider it an ideal industry to try forge a successful career as the nature of it and some of the points you've made in your original post. There are some who have made a career out of it and done really well. So it's definitely possible but yeah it's pretty competitive these days and the styles have probably shifted for the worse. I am fairly respectful of woman though hence my disregard for any rough or disrespectful styles that the actresses would clearly not enjoy outside of the industry 
@sertraline I don't think anyone I know considers the life of a porn star "glamorous." I think perhaps it has its perks, but I wouldn't consider it glamorous. Like you pointed out, it's hard to say really what the motivation is for 18 year olds today, and that movie didn't really tell us.

Hello, my name is sertraline, I am a compulsive gambler and I placed my last bet on February 4, 2016. This past week has been full of emptiness, laziness, and hatred. The desire to gamble was certainly not what it was last week, although I have no idea why I'm doing this. I feel that this experiment of not gambling has failed. Nothing is better,...
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I turned 18 in March of 1996, and therefore became eligible to vote in elections of the USA. I followed politics a little bit, but I definitely wouldn't say I was fanatical about the subject. However, unlike these students:

I could tell you who was vice president, when the USA became independent, from who they won independence from...hell, I could even tell you who the...
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A few sessions ago, I had advised my therapist that the sessions I do, are the only thing I have that resemble anything close to a Gamblers Anonymous meeting. So, why not start out the therapy session in that format? It doesn't mean much in terms of the substance that would be used in the actual therapy session, for example, next week I might not...
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@lavonne so sorry to have to do it this way, it was the only way I could provide an illustration. You might have heard of Abraham Maslow, and this triangle is what he believes are human needs. You notice the very top about creativity and morality, these are things I know for a FACT that you are very experienced with as I have read many
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Yep. Human connection, affection, love—all needs. If you didn't learn how to truly connect with people as a kid it's especially difficult and can lead to addiction and self-destruction. You need to know that you are loved and worthy of love—even if you weren't raised that way. I like to start with myself, learning to love myself. Then sharing it without expectations to others. When you have enough compassion for yourself built up it will help with your fears about putting yourself out there. And don't see things so black and white. There really is no such thing as rejection. I'm not sure if that makes sense. But it's all about how you frame it. And letting go of expectations. In other words, don't do things to get things. Don't try to get people to connect with you. Talk to people and be around people because you enjoy it for its own sake. There's a lot that could be talked about here, but my hint is to look for paradox. Like love comes from others when you don't need it. People are most attractive when they don't try to be. Etc. If you have a fear or challenge, look for the paradox. 
One thing you also might be interested in researching is ho'oponopono.