ARRR!!! lord need to update,

really proud i'm back to running again.

painted my first whatever in like five years.

still designing a bunch of t shirts. i need to make my way over to american apparel and get some quality ts so poeple will want to buy my clothes.

been to a bunch of fun joints lately. went to this one "painting performance" for these...
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Yay, so the show at the roxy was a blast again. I love playing on stage esp. with my new Gibson. Love it.
Los Angeles people, whats the best thrift stores you know of? I like Jet Rag but I want new ideas. Also, whats your favorite coffeeshop/chill hang out place. but I don't like coffee, I like tea. Help me find a new palce...
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in response to your last entry.

even the sg's dont get their journals read much, people just cruise for pics, find one or two sentences to skim, and then comment briefly.

we all do it. so dont feel bad. i think more people see your page than comment on it, same with mine.

and yeah, show us your dick.