My daughter has been really into Green Day lately, so I've been showing her the older material she may not have heard before, and man, I forgot how bad ass some of these deep cuts on Kerplunk,Dookie and Insomniac were and still are.
This thing is a gem,


And Paul Banks (Singer of Interpol)

Went and saw their group, Banks & Steelz in a super tiny club in Kansas City last night

The capacity had to of been about 125.

Dude's were super humble and talked to about 50 people after the show (literally just walked outside with the everyone at show's end)

The venue had no backstage area and they had to
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To miss my synth set ups of yester years..

I really need to get a new mini Moog as well

Thanks Stranger Things for fueling this fire again, particularly this track...sooo good.


R.I.P. Lemmy Kilmister.

Whiskey has been consumed in your memory.

The great band in the sky just added an amazing attitude to it.

Great Lemmy!!

One of my favorite songs and videos of the year.


Thanks for the records of my youth.

I was coincidentally listening to "Tiny Music" at work today. Still a fucking solid record.

You were the epitome of addiction and struggle in the grunge scene (along with Layne), but now you can let that go.

Rest easy.


The fact that the set of the day's model name is "Bae" makes me absolutely cringe.

This site is getting pretty 'basic' with it's 'alternative' modeling and lifestyle...

My name was originally going to be "Bea" but I was nervous signing the contract and wrote "Bae" by accident. In hindsight, it's just an Internet handle anyways and now I can imagine all these songs with "Bae" in it is about me ;P
@bae  I want to clarify, this is absolutely not a shot at you as a person,your appearance, or anything along those lines. You're a very pretty girl and hope the best for you on SG. I probably hadn't had my Snickers for the day yet..haha  

3 is a magic number.
33 is a life defining number.
The Jesus age.
The highest degree in the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry
A lot of religious connection behind it.
And now I bare this crux for the next 364 days
Here's to this year having an overwhelmingly positive effect amongst my psyche.

"The earth laughs beneath my heavy feet
At the blasphemy in my...
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Happy Birthday Brandon!!! (a few hours late but better than never) ❤

Been on a heavy ass Team Sleep kick lately.

Actually got to see them 10 years ago today.

One of my favorites, all the old video footage always gives me a weird,semi uncomfortable feeling tho.

Perfect music for a smoking session.