Time flyes by so fast.. Have been away for some time, and been spending some quality time with my girl.. And of course playing some music.. and travelling..

Just wanted to blog here, to remind people who read this; that we should all appreciate each other as long as we are alive, and here on this planet.. Just had a friend who died last wedensday...
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havent been blogging for a long time..

here goes great! ! i am off work for now and till december ! so good! ! speding time fixing my appartment and mixing some electronica on my new mixer smile and then finishing the rest of my trip for november - going to Australia the whole of november - 2 weeks in Sydney and 1 week in...
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wELL Some days just start up to be like hell and end up nice in the end - like today..

just had a rough weekend - was at a psy party this saturday - where Bliss and Hallucinogen was playing Live set here in Copenhagen.. Hallucinogen really ROCKED !! gave a nice and uplifting mix and the BPM just went up and up and up...
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ArrGh !

Today i gave up my life for an artifical life on the internet... *BaaahhH*

Just came home two days ago from a trip to Hungary. Was in Budapest to visit my mom who i never really have seen that much ever.. But it was okay - but shit hits me in the head when i see her - and start thinking of my...
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booooooooooooom looksie its a psy person yay smile Well its a hard one with the drugs thing, they need to figure it out for themselves, ive seen so many of my friends have to hit rock bottom before they will fix things.

Just saying hey smile You get to many europe festies in the summer?
ArRGhH.. life RoCks.
not doing much at the time, working my ass off, but have these nice weekends off to relax and meditate and stuff smile started doing fire poi now, auuch - it burns - definetly not the way to learn new poi tricks !
WOah.. today is the day where i just realise, i really cant be alive, i'm not alive! it's surreal..
i havn't had sex for 3 months, havn't done drugs for 2 months, and have been working my ass off, i cant sit down now, got no ass, got no legs - not here..
My fridge is crying - and dripping of nice acid that just...
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Thanks so much for the comment on my set! smile
ahh party time.. mr. hofmann is ready !!

S.U.N project and Space Buddha is making some live act in two days, gonna be soo nice!
Thanks for loving my set smile
woah.. havent been writing for a month or more now.. but i guess that nobody reads it anyway....

a lot have been going on here about the last month, i am getting my company and webshop ready for sales in DK, and working hardcore on my job, and the business at the same time... so no time for fun the next month.

But i really...
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thanks baby!

kiss now kisses from chile kiss