the most frustrating part about running a restaurant isnt the grind or business paperwork bullshit, its that i actually enjoy food and cooking i just cant do the things i want to do there, i gotta wait till i get home. so when i do get home i have a desire to bake fresh bread from scratch or cook a meatloaf but its fuckin 1am...
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just got back from a little trip to new mexico. its a weird desert out there this time of year. you need sunblock to keep from burning but you also need a parka cause its like 50 degrees outside. somewhere along the line i got a sore throat, probably swallowed too much sand. but that aside NM was not the trip just the turn around...
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fangorias horror con was kinda dissapointing. most of the guests stufk around for a few hours tops, the set up was was in several rooms that were way too far apart. and even when you got inside it had a very cramped and maze-like setup. the good side lots of independents selling their dvds and a bunch of resellers. the lack of staff made lines...
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I had been taking that much Ibuprofen already. My body's pretty immune to that, and it does make me ill.

I would have thought Fangoria would be better organized.

I hear Screamfest is pretty great.
i wanna move just for the sake of moving right now. theres nothing wrong w/ my place im just sick of lookin at it. i need to join the circus or somethin. as much as i hate traveling for work it does settle me down a bit and help me enjoy bein home.
so rented out my office for a movie shoot and they set up TONS of food, people ate and the crew hung out there. now technically kevin spacey and vince vaughn were at the shoot but i didnt get to meet them. HOWEVER, i left to go to the blackhawks game later at night and i was told when they were locking up vince vaughn...
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finished up finals this week. and since i havent taken my vacation days yet i have to take my 10 days now or i lose em. so im sitting at home fuckin around not going anywhere fun or exciting. on the plus side the new & improved training program they want me to take doesnt start till after new years so they pretty much said...
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i love nightmare before christmas love love
Happy New Year ! wink
i love "la galette des rois" wink kiss
so finally week has come upon me and i alway sneed to something to de-stress. usually i shave my head but i no longer grow out my hair longer than half an inch its not as extravagant a gesture. so i called a buddy and we made the trek up to gat guns and i pick out two shotguns. one for bird hunting and one...
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so the bday came and went. got fucked up friday big party sat night sunday went to the windy city rollers. love the roller derby and my team even won. Go Fury Go! i dont ask anything from people just come drink w/ me and we're cool. yet people still managed some lame excuse not to show. a simple request like that makes it real...
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since im stuck in a hotel room on what should be the coolest party night of the year i figured i should have a little horror themed fun. i picked up the elvira mistress of the dark dvd for 7 bucks at walmart an had a movie night. i am immensely satisfied its deffinetly on my top 5 campy horror comedy list.
so i got my right shoulder-piece done yesterday. im not relieved im more eager than ever. i promised myself no new tattoos till both shoulder-pieces were done. four years later and ive held true to my word. now i got a backlog of things to get so there will be an ink explosion all over my body. every new tat is like another piece of...
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