Ok after an hour of laying indecently on my roof terrace catching some more rays from this INCREDIBLE heatwave. alas i am off to bloody work. booo.
Yummy. Thinking very dirty thoughts at this moment. blush
Ok so, this heatwave is relentless! its 9:56 am and its about 32 degrees outside.. the UK doesnt know what the fuck to do with this sort of heat... its really starting to grate me that the first time in 10 years theres sun and im holed up in a government office watching it from my air conditioned prison!
right now ive got that rant over i should reflect on the positive.. every morning from 8:45 i have been able to sunbathe on my roof terrace naked for over an hour *SCORE* and i have managed to get tickets for 3OH!3 in london in 10 days!! yessssss

oh also, working SG on my iPhone at work is really challenging! anyone else share that outlook?

right... off to work smile hopefully ill have a nice full MYSG to look at later again


if you like laughing joking tattoos reptiles and are bored then hit me up cos i do too! biggrin
gosh, boring bank holiday monday or what! still better than working XD