Im going to help set up my friends booth @ Long Beach Comic Con today. I wont be able to got to the Con until Saturday but at least I can stay all day. Oh yeah and I cant wait to see all of the beautiful SGs at their booth. I must remember to bring my Beauty Redifined book for more autographs.
If I wasnt who I was
If I wasnt me
Would u stand next 2 me in the street
If I changed my hair
Would u then be proud
If I ran round town with a different crowd
Would u be my baby
If I had more money
Would that make u love me

If I practiced a different religion
If I spoke my words...
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I'm always here for you
I picked up Medal of Honor last night. I ran thru the Campain in less than four hours Im about seven trophies shy of completely raping the Campian too. Im gonna play some Multiplayer and see how that feels. Man I hope COD: Black Ops turns out better than this did.
This season is soooo good
Im feeling kind of down lately because all of my friends have somebody to call their own you know someone like a wife, a lover or a partner. I can only blame myself because I dont put myself out there so I can find that special someone. At times I dont feel worthy of another persons affections kind of like the Beast or Quasimodo. Skee-Lo...
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My 360 just Red Ringed on me for the third time. mad Its a good thing most of the games I want this Fall/Winter season are on the PS3. love She's out of warranty too so its gonna cost me $100 to get her fixed. Its time to upgrade but that will cost me $300. What a Catch 22. eeek
I picked up my suit from the cleaners and now I need to find a tie to wear.
Good luck on that! Thanks a lot for the add!
About to go to my sisters so we can put together the final message to our father for his obituary.
Your dad is in a good place now and will forever be in your heart. I'm sorry for your loss Hun and I'm here if you need a shoulder
Thnx Von
Some sad news to report. My father has been fighting Multiple Myeloma for the past four years and today we were told that notinhg more can be done for his condition. I dont know how much longer he has left with us. It maybe a week or it maybe a few months. I'm staying strong for now cuz its like I always say, "Don't stress...
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Well my blood pressure is lower than it was last week but not low enough for the job I was applying for.
I am so sorry frown frownfrown
Don't give up, though..what job were you applying for?
TSA (Transportation Security Administration)
Goin to the doc tomorrow for my final blood pressure check. Please be low so I can get this job.

My fingers are crossed for you