Went to see CODA, a lounge strings/percussion band last night. Was definately unusual - I mean, how many bands have a xylophonist these days? Did many bands ever have a xylophonist?

Was great to check out something outside of the usual metal/punk/indie scene I tend to frequent.

Also had a beautiful Modern Italian meal beforehand, at a chic-looking restaurant in Newtown, Twelve. The...
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YUm, I think I have been there, we had a baanquet and yes, I thought the price was pretty good too

I never go out anymore though..boring I am
coda sound really good.

Ive actually been going to lots of sound art type stuff this last week and its been very refreshing and interesting.
Youve picked the right place to holiday for arty stuff/ music / coffee / drinks.

Ill look for that vid next time im in the store....
Id be happy to show you around through the week, I also recommend this site - http://www.threethousand.com.au/current/ for cool happenings etc in melbourne. there is another site but i cant think of it atm.
Another good thing about this city is there is a festival of some kind on every week (or sometimes more than one) so there is always something to check out....
Id be happy to go and do stuff through the week when your here.. but im booked out for that weekend...

If i hear of anything that sounds interesting, ill let you know

I like the idea of getting a tattoo to signify a time of personal growth. You feel the marks a space of time has left on your spirit, so seems to me a great chance to display this on the surface, too. A tattoo needs a story behind it - something concrete to tell people when they ask. I hate it when I ask a...
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Lot's of agreement.

I spent years thinking I didn't want tattoos, because i couldn't think of anything that i wanted to have on me forever, and I thought they should make an important life step.

Now I have two that i want, one for when I finish my current project (phd thesis) and one for when I embark on my next project (top sekrit). And I CAN'T WAIT to get these tattoos, but I have to do lots more work between now and then.

Neither or them will be butterflies.
It is the one thing that has stopped me from getting a tattoo... the lack of meaning. The money is sitting in the bank but the idea doesn't exist yet... plus on top of that I have convinced myself to have an idea for a tattoo and then keep that idea for a whole year. When the year is up and I still want it... it is meant to be.

Thanks for the friend addy. It's always awesome to meet more Aussies!!!
Keep rocking!!!
Went and saw a trashy French Chick-Flick today (I Do - How to Get Married and Stay SIngle).
Ah, but why is it the French can get away wth it? The quirky sense of humour, the rapid fire dialogue, the romantic settings! Ah yes, it's junk food for the heart, but this, dear friends, is Lindt.

Got my new bed today. I can sleep flat...
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Back to Eng. Lit class tonight. Wow, I forgot what it was like to end up eating biscuits for dinner.
That, and isn't it funny how the loss of one night a week manages to take over your whole social schedule? Suddenly I have a whole lot of things I could be doing on a Tuesday evening.
Good old night classes!

We're doing Austen's Persuasion,...
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that's a fair fucking genius way of combining school and ass shaking.

so you like NIN huh? did you go to any shows in may? (i'm sure if i read back a little way in your blog i could check but i just got off a fourteen hour shift and i'm tired)

SPOILERS! (Click to view)

it probably took me longer to type that than it would have to check back.

The Blink!!! Last year I went to Sydney for the Children of Bodom concert. The night before the concert we went to the Blink and I have to say there was some very sexy ladies there... you will definatly find Metal Fashion at the Blink.
Silverchair/Powderfinger onsale today, so the lines were running red hot at work.

Seems to me the truely dangerous thing about doing a job you have ambivelent feelings about is that it can be hard to lure yourself away from the steady paycheck, the comfortable atmosphere, the fact that you know your job like the deepest lines on your palm. Before you know it, whole years...
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my mum called me up from work this morning and said, hey go on the net and get us silverchair/powderfinger tickets! so i did and now im going to see them! wooooo!
I heard that the Brisbane shows have sold out already, thanks, you've just reminded me to check.
Going to see a chilled-out act tonight: theredsunband ( www.myspace.com.au/theredsunband ) at the Hoey tonight. (More reviewing for www.fasterlouder.com.au/people/susanmunro) Making a tasty pasta with bestie Iain too... Mmn, Italian goodness, red wine and loungey tunes - just the kind of thing for a chilly winter's night. It's glacial out there... or it feels like it to my fragile tropical bones. confused

Ew - have caffeine come-down...
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Hi. You should say hi to the manager of the Australian members group (Helly).

Just a thought. smile
I'm a quirky girl who doesn't follow the rules - one day im a quiet little creature, all books 'n indie movies, the next I'm out and ragin' at a goth club somewhere, downing absinthe with the best of 'em!

I've been enjoying my own time lately - i think I've topped a dozen DVD rentals this week. The stoner hippy was out of the...
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that sounds like a good combination...welcome to SG.
welcome to SG.

i hate the smell of pot too.