We'll I must saying that playing on the boards a little more often reminds of how much fun this place is and cool the people are. I'm also back to enjoying them thar' neked wimmins!

Frustration is setting in for me. I mentioned an arm/shoulder injury that I got from about 5 weeks ago. Went to the family doc, got x-rays and no broken bones....
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I dont play on the boards at all anymore...

I hope you get to feeling better soon!
Damn, it's been a crazy ride for the last 2 months. I've missed hanging out with all of you crazy people and seeing seriously beautiful neked wimins.

The end of August just start up a roller coaster ride that I couldn't get off of. Work was crazy busy and with just my wife and I running the show it didn't allow me any free time...
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I've missed you around Silliness, but I understand how you have to prioritize things when you get busy. I hope things slow down enough for you to hang out here more often smile
I've missed you ♥

I'm glad to hear that you've been keeping busy and that work is going well...

I am sorry though to hear about your grandmother frown
WoW it seems like a love it or hate it crowd out there. People are warning me about this game consuming my world. The only thing it has really consumed is my money out of my pocket...damn pay by the month sucks. I'm to involved with other things in the world to let it take over.

Last week I spent three days with some of...
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What is it about women playing volleyball? It's the most beautiful thing in the world biggrin

I'm glad that your friend beat cancer. I worry that even though I know the risks, I'll be one of those that ignores the pain for as long as possible. It's just my nature, but I hope I'll be wiser than that if/when my time comes.
I'm really slow at this, but I wanted to say thanks for commenting on my "Felt" set! kiss

Alright I'm doomed! After one Friday night at a friends place he got me addicted to WOW. I tried it on his account and machine. I rolled an undead warrior and leveled up to 6 in a couple of hours. Saturday I installed my own version of it and started playing my own undead warrior for a couple of days. That was 2 Saturdays ago....
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Oh no WoW has stolen your life... that's it for you now, forever tongue
I refuse to play WoW for the same reason that I've never tried heroin. I've seen what it can do to people tongue
I haven't been to Hershey Park since I was a kid. They may have had 2 or 3 coasters there but nothing to get excited about. It was all about the chocolate...and still is! My wife and I went with another couple on Friday to see what they have to do now. Normally I'm all jitter before going on coasters because they've been hyped up....
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thanks a lot for the comment on sinnah'set...
Heres hoping your Monday is filled with boobs and candy. And lots at that.
I'm a rollercoaster whore! This coming weekend was to be spent at Cedar Point, on Friday, riding the monsters of the midway...finally!! The follow up on Saturday was to venture to Kings Island for some riding there as well. Hotel reservations were made, friends had everything lined up to take care of their dogs and we had the day off. Last week we get the...
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I do not like rollercoasters at all.

....actually the only one I do like is Space Mountain at Disneyland.
thanks a lot....sinnah was awesome on the shooting, as usual...
Wednesday night ruled! I saw Daughtry, Staind, and Nickelback with one of my best friends. She got goofy as hell after a few beers, granted they were 24oz. beers so a couple would do her in quickly! It was an excellent concert with people there from all different age groups. It's always fun to see parents there rocking with their kids. Maybe I never noticed...
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Mmmhmm glad you agree.
I wont pickle you though. But I might make you alittle more squishy...

Funny alot of people ingame liked the first look better than what I have now but I like the uniqueness of the demon av best. Alot of people ingame look "normal" theres sort of a underground community of people who choose a look alittle less popular and they tend to be more fun and less hung up on drama and Im all about less drama in a game. And yes I am quite horny even when I dont wear the gear.
Hmmmm using my horns to hold on with... What might you be doing to me that you need to be hanging on?.... Sounds liek my kind of thing no matter what... *Woof woof*

The harem thing is quite funny. I need to get me on of those made up of vegetables, human and other.
Last Friday a friend asked me if I wanted to go the AT&T National golf tournament in Bethesda. We play golf together sometimes, she's a great friend and yet another cancer survivor. I took her up on it. I met her at 6:30am to so that we could get a good spot. Got into the Congressional Country Club around 7:30am...it sounds so snooty! Trust me...
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Finally the end of the week! woo hoo!!! I'm ready to spend my weekend doing a lot of lazy outside stuff around my house. I had nothing planned except on Sunday I was going to go help a local group start working on their haunted maze...there is gonna' be zombies there as usual but not until October when we summon them. Yesterday a friend asked...
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I'm about as loyal as they come, and I have more female friends than male...I just like women. But if there's something worth looking, at I'm going to look biggrin
You've never done anything to creep me out. It's probably just your imagination, so I wouldn't worry about it wink
Saturday was Canal Day in Chesapeake City, MD. I've never been to it before but it was definitely a fun festival. I enjoyed it even though I was working one of the stands. We sold lobster seafood salad sandwiches, shrimp burgers, fries, onion rings, soda, water, fried shrimp and some other items. All which were really yummy for my dieting habits now...NOT!!! I had a...
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That sounds like fun! Canal Day? I would say that is a strange name for a holiday, but considering that my people invented "Fat Tuesday", I probably don't have much room to talk shocked

One thing our holidays have in common: amazing women in the crowd love
Finally things are slowing a bit at work so I can fuck around some. Oddly it's my business so I'm pretty content when it's busy as hell but I gotta' play from time to time. Along with the good business things are going great. I'm down 20lbs. since April. I'm trying to get down to 190lbs. Haven't been that skinny since wrestling in high school...yikes!...
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thank you for the comment on my set, i do love lingerie! biggrin
awww thank you hon smile I'm really just a big goof at heart.
I think it's cool that you are getting more of a workout I think everyone should if they can..
I'm coming up for some air! Holy shit it's been assholes and elbows at work, home and any where else I've been. Being swamped with work is great! We had to buy more equipment which means that I get to put it all together and test. We are only a 2 person operation - she's the brains and I'm the techie/grunt work half. Playing on...
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Hope your doing well!
Hey, where the hel have you been lately??? I miss you >.<