The birds they sing no more to me

The sun no longer shines on me

The breeze no longer comforts me

The flowers do not bloom for me

My heart no longer beats in me

My mind no longer stays with me

These things are all gone for me

Because you no more love for me


The little hamlet of Killburth nestled in the north valley in the kingdom of Sarisol, along the Thronakil mountain chain. With the Chillgail woods just to the south and lake Benerath to the west; it was a quiet and peaceful community with a moderately thriving economy; due to the traffic of adventurers. There were a variety of races which mingling with little tension between them....
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That was a great story! Very well written! :D
@mermaidqueen thank you so much :-) I'm glad you enjoyed it. 

It's been a while since I've posted. I'd like to say it's because I've been busy, but the truth is I just didn't have anything to write about. Plus writers are a notoriously lazy species of animal. (myself included.) :-P ha ha.... The topic today is dreams. It's funny how dreams can be interpreted in different ways. One interpretation is just as valid as the...
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Two spirits apart by time and space

Drifting quietly through this life

Not complete and full but mere shadows

Devoid of each other’s inner light

By chance they meet, and right from the start

They find a connection so profound

That they can know the others thoughts and feelings

Even without the slightest sound

What force or will could bring together

And make two halves...
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This is how I feel about my current boyfriend! I'm so lucky! Great poem :)
@mermaidqueen Thank you. And if you have someone that makes you feel this way; then I am very happy for you. :-) 

Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right B, A, Start...... I heard that was the key to a gamer girls heart so I thought I'd give it a shot. ;-)


I hide so no one sees

The scared little boy

Inside of me

The one that was teased

Tormented and berated

The lost little soul

So alone so hated

He flinches when people

Come to close to him

Afraid of letting any one

Come in

He cries in the dark so alone so weak

He stays in his shell

So he won’t get beat

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Nice 😍
@maniasuccubus Why thank you, I'm glad you liked it. :D

You'll never know how much you hurt me; but then again

would you care

I opened my heart and let you in; that's something I

never before dared

You made me think I was someone special

a person complete and whole

Not at all how I view myself; which is empty, lonely,

a darkened sadened soul

But now that hope has fadded: to my heart...
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Very good writings
@nanny Thank you so much. :-D I am really glad you liked it. 

I know I’m not the type of guy that usually wins your heart

Guys like that only know how to break you soul apart

They hurt you, and make you cry, without a thought or a care

I wish you could see I’m not like that, what I am is quite rare

I’m the guy you can talk to, who’ll listen and understand

The one...
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@dream_star Thank you so much. I'm glad you like it. :-D

This blog, will be brief, but more uplifting than the last. :-D I just started to exercise again. A couple of years ago I lost a pretty impressive (if I must say so myself.) 143 lbs. I felt good; better than I had in years in fact. And I looked better, and of course I felt better about myself. Then my mum fell and broke...
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Keep fighting brother :D
@almost_missed thanks dude. :-)