frown I had to say goodbye to one of my favorite clients today. He was with us at the group home for almost 2 years. He was a handful but a total sweetheart. I saw him grow from a immature punk to someone who turned his life around, almost a man. He's one of the few kids I got really close to. I'm going to miss...
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Well, I'm happy to say that things have been going decently for me.

We were renegotiating our mortgage because it became mature, we finally signed all of the papers and got locked in at pretty sweet rate.

The land/deed transfer for our property up north also just went through. Such a weight lifted off my shoulders.

Thinking of a career change also. Been considering to...
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soooo... what to say?

I know this is late but Happy New Year to everyone!! hope everyone's holidays had special moments.

Recently I mentioned about the agency that I work for is closing. Well the other shoe just dropped. We're closing earlier now. Also, the new agency who bought us are not going to employ/take us employees on. I am completely out of a job...
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Having sad days again. Don't want to get into it a lot just yet, maybe I will once I get some more information. It's like April all over again. frown

On to more amusing topics. I'm not sure HOW we got onto the topic, but my BOSS and I were talking about things that give you a natural high, a truly "Weeeeeeeee I'm high" type of...
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um. where do you work?!!
so i guess you'd learn a lot of interesting stuff there!
so I get a phone call from my boss at 6pm on Monday. He's calling from his house. Thinking that it was strange and probably very important, I answer. I hear the most dreadful words one can imagine "Emergency staff meeting on Thursday". FANTASTIC! You see the agency I work for had 3 houses for our clients. In the last 3 years two of them...
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well , hey there, nice to meet ya!! Yuppers I am a derby girl and I travel alot for bouts of my own as well as just rooting on my derby sisters , so maybe I will catch you at a bout?
oops, guess it's been a while since I've updated.

October was a bit of a crazy month with lots of up's and down's but the end of the month was fantastic!

some of the great/not so great highlights:

-sent off the signed, notarized papers to get the deed to our new land registered.
-found out that said papers got lost in the mail and now...
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not much going on with me. been working working working. the teens we have now are just freaking crazy I tell you! we have one that just turned 14 and she is hyper-hyper-sexualized, makes for interesting times when we are a co-ed facility.....
countdown is on for my vacation(4days!!!) going to our trailer up north. we invited a whole bunch of friends, so during that...
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Sounds great!!! Have fun!!! biggrin kiss
hello all!!

birthday weekend was a fun one. my hubby treated me to a nice lunch and then took me to get my hair done.
later that night, we met up with some of our friends for drinks. ended up venting about an upcoming wedding of one of our friends-(they've been together for about a year and got engaged 6 weeks after they met) Tequila...
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no problem baby girl... you are not even close to being near the blast zone.. mostly just people in the uk unless i am close to them or know for a fact that they do not run their mouth and are smart enough to not pick sides
I'm back and am feeling good!!! sorry for all the negative posts lately. it's been a trying month and half. so lets see what I have been up to these last few weeks!

had car problems, but they are all fixed. in the end i mean really who cares if a green car has a purple door on it for now.......

I've worked 117 hours...
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Happy birthday! It's 1am here now tongue
"if you don't have anything nice to say then don't say anything at all"
good words to live by. hence no recent blogs from me. although I'm usually an optimist, it's just been too damn hard recently... well for the last month actually. hoping for brighter days sooner then later.... blackeyed