either my comp is messed up or sg, cuz i cant confirm friend requests, but i can send them

We got a dog in at work that ate a bunch of crack rocks. Dog's an asshole, but he looooves me haha. He's always licking the ground..
lol a dog on crack, that would be strange.

SG is acting weird, I got a friend request, confirmed it then went to check out my new friend and it still said I had the option of confirming her as a friend...so ya, it's not just you.
my comp is having a hard time using this site. i had to reformat it, cuz it's getting all messed up every other day. i want to update pics from my bro's wedding, but its not working and i'm slightly disappointed. so no pics of me in a dress and oninotaki is a suit. bah humbug
this video disappoints me. i dont come to sg to see psycho cats i can put to sleep.. at work.
oops! ^^^^

I'm fine Lola - how are you doing?

I updated my cat album.

Yeah, Adam helped paint my car. At first I wasn't so upset since he dropped some cash in the car, but he managed to hit that too.
Forgot to mention, a few friends and I are going to Luna tonite. Swing by if you don't have plans.
My day off is spent sleeping in, having fun online, and taking a 3 mile walk. It was awesome. Later, I hope to visit phrougbhoy.. or however the hell you spell chris's name. I have truly grown to appreciate our friendship and I hope it lasts a long time. Many nights spent drinking, talking, and somehow just having a good time, waking up at 3...
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Hooray for looking smashing!
wow congrats on the weightloss! my brother just got engaged so operation weightloss in effect here too.
Things seem to be going well in lolaland. Working hard, spending quiet nights at home in front of the computer or in a book, out for a walk, or at Target spending money on crap. When I make these posts, I don't know who I'm talking to anymore, cuz I get alot of random comments from people I don't know. I'm not opposed to getting...
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Well when we first friended I was a Detroiter, born and raised. But thanks to the economy I had to go where the work was, which was anywhere but Michigan.

However, now you have a friend in the Great Smoky Mountains! Come visit when the D starts getting cold.
^^What Jhay said. biggrin
I started euthanasia training this week. Euthanized 2 cats, 3 kittens, and 3 dogs. It was pretty interesting. They were all going down for rational reasons, unsocial, unfriendly, leery, unpredictable, sick and old. It was interesting. Work was interesting today.

Parents are gone on vacation. Got the house to myself. It's pretty awesome. I'm in the basement online when I should be upstairs doing.. something...
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no comment about euth training. this place has slowed down
wow - is that cool oir morbid?

or both??
I'm driving down 696 tonight, to meet a friend in Royal Oak, and my clock turns off. Shortly after, the radio fizzles out, then my headlights, speedometer, and windshield wipers. In the middle of a storm, at 9pm at night. Fantastic I say. I pulled into the American dr industrial area, and the car dies right in the driveway. Turn my flashers on, cuz at...
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I just received a random phone call from a restricted number from a guy who knew my name, thought I was from Warren, said something about vicodin, and how I gave him my number last night. I didn't go anywhere or see anyone last night! I told him I wasn't interested and hung up. He calls back on the restricted number and is sooooooooo creepy....
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Yeah, that was me...
And, for the record, you do gots a purdy mouth. wink
see, now thats unnecessarily creepy
It's my first official weekend back. I've been very productive and thats my goal. Went to the gas station, the post office, and the taylor. Now sorting through my things, organizing. It's necessary. it's been an adventurous week. The drive to work got longer. 96 isn't bad, but the Davison is ghehhto. That annoys me, but it's colorful. Work feels like it's been exceptionally challenging....
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How big is this pool table leg?
Quite. tongue