Sure. On the proviso I'm paid in American dollars. Convert that to Australian currency and I'm rich.

Not really.

I figure I can drive my car through the main gates and sleep in the car with the doors locked.

@penny @missy


So for context, if you've been reading my blogs for a while, you know I love the Transformers.

I had an image in my head of Galvatron (on the left) delivering a karate kick to Ultra Magnus for... reasons.

So purely for the hell of it, I image searched an actual karate guy performing an actual karate kick and posed Galvatron as accurately as I...
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Hello my creatures of the night.

I'm into Vampire: The Masquerade so naturally, I would be a vampire.

A proper vampire, not a sparkly Twilight vampire.

In Vampire: The Masquerade, there's a number of bloodlines or clans with their own powers.

One of my favourites is the Lasombra - they can manipulate minds or break people in two with superior strength or control shadows to...
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Can I join your vampire clan?

Hello beautiful people.

A while ago, I blogged about some of my favourite songs.

This time, it's some of my favourite cover versions.

The Killers cover Don't Change by INXS


Paramore entertain the troops with the Foo Fighters' My Hero


First To Eleven get their Halloween on with The Cranberries classic Zombie


Sarah Jane goes acoustic with Nirvana's Pennyroyal Tea


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I just had to share the sheer ridiculousness of this.

In their infinite wisdom, Australian telco Vodafone issued a bill for...two cents.

It gets better. It's actually impossible to pay a two cent bill online by credit card because the minimum amount payable is one dollar.

Even better, the Australian Mint phased out one and two cent coins decades ago and I had to line
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Hello beautiful people.

National Donut Day? That's a new one on me although it does explain the free donuts at a local donut chain.

As for my favourite, a chain of muffin shops sells duffins - the result of a muffin making sweet sweet love to a cinnamon donut.

In the immortal words of Homer Simpson, "Mmmmm, donuts."

@missy @penny

Mmmm donuts ❤️
Duffins? Ever try a crunt? half croissant, half bundt cake.

Hell beautiful people.

I'm not a huge horror movie fan but here are some I have enjoyed.

Scream. It took horror tropes and poked fun at them. One of the characters says, "Please don't kill me, Mister Ghost Face, I wanna be in the sequel!"

The Evil Dead films, particularly Army of Darkness. Again, humour. Fun fact, Duke Nukem 3D "borrowed" many of Ash's quotes....
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Hello beautiful people.
I love Star Wars though I was too young to see the original films in theatres, I watched them several times on VHS growing up.
The original versions then the special editions. Han shot first. End of story.
Seeing the most recent films on the big screen, I still got goosebumps listening to THAT theme music.
If like me, you're into gaming...
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