I'm a light sleeper right? However last night I had some really interesting dreams that started off with a nightmare of working at the movies and serving snacks to every rude customer as they jumped over to get their own snacks.

@.@ it was crazy

But then these other interesting dreams came and went. Something about a 70's show interpretation and this not so lucid...
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Man... what the hell would I do if the end of the world happened?

I had hoped there would be a brothel nearby but it would seem the nearest one would be too far away before everyone had already ransacked it.

I had a dream one time about the moon falling towards Earth. It was crazy. Very much like in The Legend of Zelda: Majora's...
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Hello, it's been a long time since I've written anything in here. They say it's good to write stuff down before you sleep, whether it's informative or not. Just writing can help you tons!
So what am I going to write about?
I guess... sleep hasn't been all that easy. I have this pen pal who suffers almost the same mental issues as I do...
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And you just get lost and create little music videos in your mind from it? I've been trying to write a storybook and got totally distracted. I picked back up on it but now I'm feeling lazy again. I'm at a point where it gets complex ... annnnd I should eat some more food because my stomach just said "let's eat!" toodles!

ALL the time haha

or I think even longer. Damn maannn, it's been so long and the site has changed its look too. I need to update my picture. I need something cool. Everything is so different now. I took advantage of the black friday sale.... I think I'm having de'ja'vu. Maybe a premonition? Oh well I'll scuttle around now maybe, but I need sleep :3

Welcome back!
Thanks man!

A simple note, I'm very lazy lol

Uhmmm Christmas was whatever. Didn't get anything other than a gift from from a secret santa at work. Uhh Been lazy at writing lots of stuff. Trying to keep my mind off of stupid stuff. and stuff stuff stuff. Been just as lazy on music writing... I STILL need a new picture... I wish my best friend wasn't...
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Phew! Soo many beautiful women on this site! =) I feel better about the day now. Everything feels like it's going to be alright. In the shortness of news, I guess I've been kind of lazy on my own personal creative artistic constructions such as music and story writing. I've been lounging around in hopes that things will get better and that I'll just come...
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happy thanksgiving!

Sooooo.... I noticed the new layout. Soooo different .... looks wise. :) hmmm I guess it'll get some getting used to .... but I guess I will like the change. but seriously it's so different now! lol What goes where what does what?

Anyways SG should be able tp cheer me up on my birthday. I thought I was going to eat cake with my...
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Well, I still haven't found a full time job yet but I think I'm staying. Either way it feels like my chacnes of getting anything come from a small glimmer of light. Hope gets lost and I keep pushing through any way I can. I turn into a zombie and wake up, a sleeping giant I think. Just like anyone else with a flood...
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Damn... I haven't really been able to snoop around here for a long while.
I have to move out by the end of the year frown Oh sadness.
I really need to find a full time job. *sigh* It's been stressful these past few weeks. I signed up at a job agency. I wonder how that is going to turn out :/ Hopefully things will work...
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