nothing starts the day off like culturing your own fecal flora to assess their resistance to a series of antibiotics.
i got into a discussion with an applicant today about philly. this applicant was originally from philly, and was curious to know what i thought of the city after spending four years there as a student. now, my immediate reaction was to say i liked college but hated philly. but then, i felt like maybe i was too hard on the city, and that i...
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well, i finally finished it today during lunch. after i closed the book, i looked at it for a minute, but nothing really happened. i guess i expected ayn to speak to me from the grave or something, or for some fake, laugh-track like applause to come in. i mean, it took some effort to finish that fucker. so, in recognition of that fact, i...
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liability in the field?!? have you watched the last few games? his catching has been phenomenal! and his hitting has been totally on point these last few games, i mean, he pulled us through when we needed it like whoa. not to mention, he's such an adorable country bumpkin. it's ridiculous how many players have just become fathers in the last few months, i find it oddly endearing. crede, aj, garcia...
i mean, i have no doubts that you know more than i do; i've only really been tuned into the post-season games. So I can't speak to their regular play. you may well be right. or, as my professor often tells us in class, "i'm not totally convinced that you're wrong", heh heh.
and dude, ozzie is rad. the guy's hilarious. not to mention, a damn good manager. plus, the fact that the whole country of venezuela is rooting for the sox is kind of funny.
1-0... and 4-0.

Edit: But yeah, that game really was sort of a let-down after the excitement level of the last 3. Though that catch by Uribe was pretty sweet.

[Edited on Oct 27, 2005 9:49AM]
the following are the ten most common causes of death in the united states in 2002 (parenthetical numbers represent the number in thousands of people who died from the corresponding condition/event):
1. heart disease (710)
2. malignancies (552)
3. cerebrovascular disease (166)
4. chronic lower respiratory disease (124)
5. accidents (94)
6. diabetes (69)
7. pneumonia/influenza (67)
8. alzheimer's disease (49)
9. renal disease (38)...
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holding steady. also some pretty intense snot-like things coming out of my lungs.
other than that though, i feel just peachy.
Ok, so I told my man what you said about AJ. He cracked up and explained to me that the guy USED to be a raging prick and had major problems with the other players on the teams he was on. And not only players. Apparently he once kneed his manager in the nuts to explain to him what it feels like to get a line drive to the crotch. But it seems that since joining the Sox he's been on his best behavior.
And how can you not like a sweet Polish face like that?

Update already, your comments are a sea of blue.
im slowly starting to work my way through watching the first season of 'arrested development.' i havent seen the majority of episodes, so its been awesome to see them in succession.
i think im starting to think about what i want out of a career. im having trouble translating the abstract ideas of dealing with people to the concrete procedures of a job, but i...
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I'm really not all that impressed with England, I must say, but it's probably for mostly the wrong reasons, so whatever. The linguistic thing is a pretty good incentive though. I swear, it has NOTHING to do with why I'm now majoring in Anglo-Irish lit.
I don't think I've ever seen a full episode of arrested development - is it really that good? I don't recall being all that impressed with it...
Did you see that homerun Manny Ramirez knocked off today? Fucking awesome.
went to see 'the aristocrats' last night, which was pretty satisfying. it was good to see it, i think, and i think that i would consider seeing it again, though i think that i just really liked the idea of the movie. also, it provided a good break from pharmacology, neuroscience, etc.
so what, you just don't like me anymore or what?
sorry, i hadn't seen it earlier. i haven't gotten to check my email often lately, so there was a whole lot of it, and it was hiding in the midst of 'em all.
fast cars are WAY cooler than muscle cars.
I agree, fast cars are way better than muscle cars. Because, to be honest, there's nothing like leaving someone in the dust behind you. Especially friends who have muscle cars.
Shows what you know.
tonight, i saw the physical ideal of the girl of my dreams. weird how that happens.
that is pretty weird.
a long time ago i had a dream about this most wonderful boy.he took care of me while i was having stomach issues and it was totally awsome... 9 months later, he was in my bowling class with adam.... fucked up.
i hate rob.
Why dear boy? Why?
so you know what's funny? how i ripped that killers cd from you because you told me to, and i listened to it a few times and was like, yeah, they're pretty cool, and then they were playing everywhere in dublin, so now there's all this sentimental attachment to 'em, and now i found out they'll be a lollapalooza this weekend, so i'll get to see 'em live. neato, eh?

man, we're all dying to know now, heh heh.