did you know about this?
if so, how long were you planning on holding out?
Evette is hot.

after meeting with a few med school friends saturday night, ive realized that it is seemingly impossible for us (and i assume other med students) to not talk about school. its not that we set out for this to happen, but its amazing that no matter what happens, it is somehow made to reference something in medicine.
yeah, well. hmmm.
got your postcard. i've got 3 pages of a letter going. it's really crappy though.
no, i am, i am. i've been saying i'll quit when i pass my orals. the idea really kind of makes my blood run cold.
stop trashing letters! send 'em even if they suck!
so ive decided that i really am a summer person. i have nothing against winter, and spring and fall have their moments. but ive come to notice that i tend to relax more in the summer, and yet i also seem to get more done. maybe it has something to do with the whole summer=no school thing, or the fact that summer=fewer tourists in pc,...
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i have to admit that ive discovered that i really do have a 'type.' im not really sure where this came from; its not like i have had this clearly defined idea of what i find attractive and don't for a long time. but i have to say, over the course of the last year or so, im really starting to pigeon-hole myself in my...
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wait, what? resolution weekend? huh? but yes, be in touch. i miss you.

gah! above post still holds true. goddamnit.
there's nothing wrong with having a type!
still trying to pick a field, and contemplating taking a year off to do research at the nih. any ideas/suggestions for a field of choice are, of course, welcome and encouraged.
clicky clicky

that's what i wanted to post. it wouldn't have really fit anyhow.
and holy crap are penguins phallic. no wonder i always wanna stick 'em in my mouth.
so are you in utah now?
will you perhaps have the time to write a letter? we should do that again.
Kramer: The haunting memories of lost love. May I? Lights? Our eyes met
across the crowded hat store. I, a customer, and she a coquettish haberdasher.
Oh, I pursued and she withdrew, then she pursued and I withdrew, and so we
danced. I burned for her, much like the burning during urination that I would
experience soon afterwards.

--so, all i could think about with...
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what the? since when did your birthday move to the 8th? wasn't it always on the 14th? god fucking damnit!
i suck.
that's odd, because i actually meant to ask about him, and was on the verge several times during conversation but then we were off on another topic.
four days: three liver transplants, three other liver lobe resections, a few hernia repairs thrown in....my life is rad
wake up at 4.00 am? check.
see an organ cut out of one person and then put into an entirely different person? check.
continue to work until 10.00 pm? check.
wake up again at 4.00 am? pending...
"There were extremists on both sides: the neo-isolationists, whose banner declared, "Just sell us the damned oil," and the neo-interventionists, who said, "Together, we can make a better world, but we'll probably have to kill a lot of you in the process."

man, i love this book.
That's fucking wonderful.
yes! when is the best time to call?
stress stress stress.
Dude, you're gonna kick so much ass on those exams, they'll give you the Nobel Peace Prize. People will be begging you to kiss their babies and impregnate their daughters. It'll be amazing. They'll be like, dude, anyone who can rock the Boards that hard must simply ooze healing power. For sure.