My and my friends YouTube is just 4 subs away from 100, I would really love to hit this target, so please, if you beautiful lady's, and handsome men here could help is with these with either a sub, or a share of our channel that would be amazing!

Rejected Gamers YouTube

Plus look, we are such lovable scamps :D why would you not be...
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Lots to catch up in, lots to watch, lots to like and lots to share ;) :*


2 Fucking Yoshi's!

Go watch, go share, and go sub!


Will be livestreaming on twitch at 4pm GMT (London time)



Been looking forward to this one! So make sure you watch this one! And don't forget to like, share, subscribe and comment!

Big love and thank y'all! xxx <3


This time.its.on WWE2K19! Go watch. Go like. Go share!


Its part 3 and the horror starts to mount up! Watch, Like, share and sub, and i will love you long time!


New video day! Watch, like, share and sub :) xxx


Hi all,

So as some probably know I run a YouTube channel. Thing is me and my friend on the channel are British so all our videos are in English.

I would love to be able to make our content more accessible to others who don't speak English, the question is, would anyone on here be willing to help us with translation, or just wondering...
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If you need Italian translation, here I am 😉