my first boyfriend will be coming home to the east coast to stay, once fall arrives. Harvard Law for the math professor, who doesn't know what he wants to be when he grows up. i'm amused and tickled. i stay friends with everyone who will have me... and i miss him in my life, gone to Seattle nearly 8 years now. uh... 9, that is....
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Hah! I completely forgot that was this week! I really want to go actually. I was kinda pissed it's $15.

I'm going to PM you my number. Text me if you plan on going!

Things have changed a lot in my workplace since the shit hit the fan in the economy. Which happened right after you applied. I was like, "Shit! Bad timing!" I know they are worried they will lose my spot and still be required to do the same amount of work. I think it's unlikely they will fire me, but they are pressuring me to know exactly when I'd be leaving. I feel like two weeks is all I owe them.
I'm 43 and I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up, even when I have a career and all.

Glad the freelance thing is going well.

i love that feeling you get when someone you care about discovers and enjoys someplace or something you love. that connection of shared joy is fantastic.

(in this case: my former senior designer, who f'ing kicks ass, is in the Keys with her sister for the week. she posted pics today from my best friend's and my favorite oceanside little dive bar/fish market/restaurant. eeeeeeee! i...
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i'm starting to adjust to this life of chaos. there is something about simultaneously writing 4 emails to 3 clients about 6 topics and 1 overdue project that becomes so much more pleasant when done from your desk (4 feet from your bed, and 10 feet from the kitchen), in pajamas, with a kitty on your lap... rather than, say, from a cubicle 10 stories,...
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goddamn. i love girls with dreadlocks. i suffer from tremendous dreadlock jealousy. oh well, maybe dreadlocks for jen some day.

(re: SG unida. love her.)

i live between worlds, at the moment. my freelance design business has actually become a business, with paying clients and everything, which is quite good. meanwhile, i am still a loyal trader joe's canned pea stocker. one jen, two jobs....
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Wow...I didn't know that your design business had taken off. Congrats!

Can't believe you are thinking beach already! wink
Congrats on the design work! I'd love to see more of your stuff.
now, see, what's REALLY funny is when you get, say, 4 trader joe's employees together... you know, happy, bouncy, friendly, hippieish souls... and get them talking about how they feel about customers.

take my last post, multiple it by 4, add alcohol and a little extra pissiness from having to drink with the meatheads at the sports bar after work because it was %^&*%*^&% UFC...
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I should get a job at Trader Joe's. I eat my hummus by myself. wink
You are definitely right about the 50/50 talent/smarts split. I think they are really looking for people who have something to say, and not just savants who make pretty things.

Hah hah. When I told my gay bff about flat-chested tomboy guy, his exact words were "So he wants to fuck men." I'm fine with people having preferences. I'm just sick of socially handicapped, awkward, unattractive boys thinking they are entitled to have whatever woman they want. What they do seem to want is a hipster waif that doesn't threaten their nonexistent masculinity. I'm a tad bitter, can you tell?

We should definitely get coffee! Are you frequently in the Boston/Cambridge area?
oh right. NOW i remember why i hated full-time retail with something close to a burning passion. i had forgotten.

"i'm sorry sir, the toasted oatmeal flakes are temporarily out of stock. i'm not sure when they'll be back in, but --"
"you know what the matter with trader joe's is? inconsistency. you people do this all the time. i just start to like...
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i'm going to come into your store and yell "where is my toasted fucking oatmeal flakes, you guys are fucking me!"


i mistakenly found Jaho yesterday while looking for a real estate office nearby.
yeah, they do suck. i was just trying to get some contact information that was left out in some paperwork. thank god they're not my main agent, just the listing agent that has a property. they stop trying to use scare tactics when you outright tell them that you will call your attorney and your attorney will give them a call.
I bought a new car today. I am still in serious shock.


And I will probably cry over the convertible being gone, at some point. Yes, actually cry. But my beloved soft-top was, frankly, a piece of shit. Time to move on.

So I got this:

Cute, ya? I'm pleased. Her name is Elizabeth. Maybe Betty, when I get to know her better.

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i think everything deserves a name... i like to spice them up with titles though, such as madame susana or monsuer dave you know just to give it that out of the ordinary "what did you say?" kick
Valentine's Day... I'll be at work at Trader Joe's (the one in Saugus). Come visit!
Now I get this? When are you there again?

Happy VDay! ♥
i just saw this. probably a little late, eh?
Dear SG:

I think it is safe to say, based on my gut reactions to your We Miss You! email campaigns, that I feel, deeply, that SG is worth $30/year, but not $50.

Just a friendly observation. Tis nice to be back.

me miao!!
I was anon for a year and never got a deal! Maybe I was blacklisted for posting a link to a negative BUST article about SG in my last entry when I left?

Apparently some people thought I was a stuffy conservative for thinking the porno action was inappropriate. I love bigoted uber liberals. puke
hey! hi!! *hug*
The new work schedule is leaving me with a confounding amount of free time in the middle of the night. What does one do between getting home at 1AM and falling asleep at 3? I like the late-night shift, so I'm not terribly inclined to make any changes, but I need to find a hobby or something.

Roommate and money situations blow, other than that,...
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