Here are the first 5 episodes of my podcast for easy listening. Thanks for checking them out.

Twitter: @ComesNaturalPod

On this episode of "Off the Cuff" we discuss our thoughts on how some of our favorite TV Shows have come to an "End". We are joined by our special guest Taj.

If you like what you hear and want to share it here are the different links.

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First I'll start by saying that Captain America The Winter Soldier was beyond amazing. If you haven't watched it yet shame on you, but you should stop reading now. Let's begin with the story. It was perfect, yup I said it. I hope Marvel knows they just made it that much harder for the next few movies. Taking...
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They always say "Don't Judge a Book by it's Cover". Well I say BULLSHIT. Now hear me out, will ya'? I'm not saying it's ok to label people or not give them a chance. But what I am saying is that if the "book" has a tattered cover that's misspelled, falling off and smells bad, then kick that shit to the curb. If a "book"...
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In this weeks episode we get together for a trip to Torture Theater. Basically Torture Theater is when one of us picks a movie and we watch it together. Then we sit down and discuss everything we love and/or hate about the movie. This week Joe decided in light of the fact that Captain America: The Winter Soldier comes out Friday April 4th that we...
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I posted not to long ago that with 2 of my friends we have created a podcast. Well I'm back with an update. We have recorded 3 epistes so far and they are available to download HERE and if you are an Apple user please head on over to iTunes and check it out. If you like it I just ask that you subscribe and...
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Cool stuff! x
@naiser Thanks!

So along with a couple of my friends, we have created a Podcast. It's called "Comes Naturally". It's an entertainment Podcast in which we discuss everything from our favorite stuff to what stuff we'd like to see. It's a NSFW Podcast so we do use bad language. But check it out here, Comes Naturally Podcast Ep.2. Let me know what you think. We will...
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You know that feeling you get when you THINK you missed a moment that could change your life. You dwell on it for a while then somehow you get over it or forget it. What do you do if you KNOW you missed that moment, because you doubted yourself. Then on a daily basis you get reminded of it, you could avoid it but you...
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SPOILERS AHEAD!!! And a bunch of other stuff that might not be so family friendly. This is definitely NSFW!!!

I warned you...

Here is a link to the Red Band Trailer KICK-ASS 2 ENJOY!!!

It's finally here! The trailer for what I like to call the first real comic book movie! If what Mark Millar, writer and creator of the source material "Kick Ass", says...
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So I've been in love the Odd Thomas books since the first one. It grab my attention from just the blurb I read on the inside of the dust cover.

I don't want to spoil anything, but if you love suspense and drama this is definitely the series for you.

Here's a little description.

SPOILERS! (Click to view)

In a California desert town, a short-order...
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Looks like you have gotten some major reading done! smile! How have you been?!