the past two days have been very springlike. that is good. i like springlike.
Owww thank you so much kiss kiss
i hate everything right now. how can the perfect girl think so highly of me, and then leave and date someone esle. i just want it to work, this time. i need her so much closer...
so. i never get to look at sg anymore. i work for the federal government, and my only access is through work. federal government internet and sg don't mix.

so. i'm in la again. staying in expensive hotels. with a beautiful girl. who, when not around her friends, likes me a lot. when with her friends. it seems not so much. what the fuck.
i'm suppose to tell you hi, from ryan howard.
ah. LA again. for my best friend's birthday. good party. fun times. and then, shit hits the fan for him at work, his computer gets stolen, and instead of hanging with me and dino, he's working. that sucks. but there are so many cute girls to look at here, it makes it almost worth it all.
remember that time at the vita? i thought that was going to be the night. but you hesitated. wanna try again?
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!! kiss kiss
ok. visited my friend dino tonight. 1.76 gig of new music later, i find myself rocking out to the first avail record. talk about flashbacks. those were the days....
stress. i think that's all that is constant in my life right now. i hate mississippi. i'm stuck here for a few weeks. i want to go back to work, and sit on my fucking ass, drink a beer, and watch the sunset.
well maybe mississippi doesn't like you either.

that sucks that there's no ass, beer, or sunset in mississippi to sit on, drink, and watch.

when are you coming back to pdx? we miss you. we as in me and my dog.
so. i'm off to mississippi for a week in a few days. oh, how fun that will be. did i mention that i absolutely HATE mississippi? well. i do. it sucks. but, i've got some business there, and plenty of really good friends. so, it won't be horrible. plus, i can eat at my favourite bagel shop from grad school every day. mmm. they've got...
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holy fuck. chapelle's show. red balls:

"mayday, mayday! we have a crackhead lifting up the bus"

"redballs- cocaine in a can baby"