Nixon In China

Sounds like a political Alt punk band name... A quick day off of paying bills and then... The First opera of the 2010 season starts loading in tomorrow.

I love working in the big house on the big opera. Especially after working a bunch of shows there through the Olympics ( I spoke to a guy in a wheelchair today while in...
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Thank you for your words. It is really great insight. Today will be ane xperience, that's for sure. One that I hope to come out of wiser and stronger than I'm going in.

I also hate goin to the movies alone. Which is why I never end up seeing anything good in theaters. I wait for them to come out to rent... I did see shutter Island in theaters- I went with mom. Apparently she's my date fir most things these days. There's a lot more I feel like I'd do with my life if I had someone to do it with. Being alone is cathartic sometimes and sometimes it really just sucks.
I Could Sleep For Years....

I can feel the crash comming...I have this verge of a cold... Which I can kill with echenacia and continuing to work. I have to keep working. Thankfully, We go straight into " Nixon In China " and iI've been able to be AE throughout the Civics and just hang and focus rigs, my favourite thing to do in theatre....
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Thanks for the sweetessage about Barney! I really felt like I needed the support yesterday since everyone in my real life thought I was dumb to be sad. Today is much better smile

I'm with you on the wanting to travel, etc. I want out of here but money wise it's just not going to happen. Well I'm going to NC in July but that's not really a "vacation". And even if I dd have the fnds, I'd be too afraid and bored to travel alone. I can't even bring myself to go to the theater alone!

Lately I have been feeling lonely and wishing there was someone here to counteract that. But it is what it is. I'd rather be alone than with the wrong person
The F&*k#ng Olympics....

Are finally over... the last of the steel staging came down last night for us....Sure, changing the final numbers on march 1st strike day call. The same night that the Canadian team wins the gold and the closing ceromonies happens... Hundreds of thousands of local Blue Collar workers abandon their next day jobs and head down to Granville street to celibrate.

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How Much Beer Can One Canadian City Consume...?

In Vancouver, I live in the epicentre of the, "Olympic Zoo", The Granville Street Liquor zone. Where all the Bars, Nightclubs, Hostels, - And Bars /Nightclubs Masqurading as Resturants. The Fast food joints, Triple XXX Stores, Skateboarder - Posh Athletic stores, Neon Facades of the live and movie theatres. They've even added street lighting to the lamp...
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Best Olympic Day... So far.

Earlier this month I had to bail on working the opening Ceremony. The pay sucked anyway... but watching the show on the TV I kinda wished I'd stayed on... But, then again... I never would have met, and worked with Laurie Anderson and been in the presence of Lou Reed. So, things are kind of coolest - event - equaling...
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carnival is considered to be the fifth season in my area. its a catholic celebration..or used to be, nowadays its just a week were ppl let loose, have fun and dress up in funny costumes..has nothing to do with vdaysmile

sounds like youve had a great time as well, besides vday.
Thanks for the critique-- point taken. No reasons to give, save that the obvious has to end up somewhere. The rest got given at the office.
Running Up That Hill....

I recently heard this song again... Sung by someone else..... A band I kinda like... but never got... till now.

Because the song... written and released when I was in High School. ( At my most confused about me.... about my desire... and how I never got women...) I just didn't LISTEN to....I couldn't identify with... Artsy girls that I carried...
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oh i love placebo smile and running up that ill is a beautiful song smile... kiss
hah ya that was me at nuba I love that place! my bf and i were just walking around trying to make a plan.. i was called and given the option to work at the restaurant which i should have done but... it was nice to be treated to dinner and a massage for V day.. all things in our relationships considered. were you there on a date?

Christ, I haven't done an entry for sooooo long....

It's been non stop work since i last reported in. Running from venue to venue ... It's like being an 82nd airborne paratrooper. You don't ask questions you just jump right into it. Quebec house, David lam , The Vancouver Art Gallery, back to one then to the other... 4 hours rest... a night here......
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Right On The Cusp....

The Worst thing about being the dispatcher is.... I can't smoke Pot.

Seriously the last time I tried I got all Paranoid that I'd missed a gig didn't dispatch a particular crew or that the person I'd sent to do exact thing that would royally F&*^K up and I'd end up holding the bag...

Other than the rare sleepy summer weekend...
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oh the paranoia of pot. i live in this small college town and its fucking everywhere. so i guess there isn't much paranoia, but i can def relate.
Barbie Dream House Christmas

This year...there's little girls out there that are having the best christmas ever... " Did you know the newest version of barbies' Crib' has a Fuckin running toliet! - I got Pictures!!! " - A rather drunk Maryanne informed me at The Two Parrots when I stopped in at the bar for last call . She went on to tell me...
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lol yah we ate at 2 and it's now 9 and i just got home smile
Merry Christmas to you too! biggrin
Thanks, hope you have a great Christmas to...
Next Gig...

I can't wait to get off this awful show... Its like being trapped in a department store window 40 hours a week as a cheap tired Automated Christmas display plays on around you incessantly. The people outside the window, as they go about their consumer duties of buying " The Best of Celine Dion" Cd's for relatives they really can't stand. Smile and...
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you know what, i actually wouldnt mind going to an airport right now and yelling at jets or airplanes. sounds really relieving! i know what you mean though.the blogs on here are the only thing im really interested in.
2009 has seem (to me atleast) ended crappy, or been a crappy year for everyone.

(Dec. 16) -- Shpere County News, " For 59 years, James and Lolie Brackin epitomized love and marriage, their children told the Daily News of Northwest Florida.

They eloped in the back of a dump truck when she was 16, and they always did everything together -- even passing away...
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haha nah, im here to stay biggrin
i hope thats a good thing. some people mind, but im horrible at lying even white lies.
The Unknowing.... of need... or want

After survival... what else is there?

Really....Once you have a place ( cave ) warmth ( modern heat, water, light..etc. ) food supply ( groceries, resturants ) weapons ( job, guns, knives, ) what does one need... ?

NEED..? NEEEDDDDD????.....Companionship... as people.. we survive better in groups... we cling to each other as our last defense from the cold......
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