So it's been a week or so since I last posted anything. I really need to get a camera. Hmm. Maybe that'll be part of my tax refund. Anyway, DC has been very un-DC due to all the snow. Those folks who've been lucky enough to have electricity and food and friends have had a great time out in the snow and staying in. Some...
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I got your card today! Thank you! It was really awesome!
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Lest anyone get the impression that we are not having fun during Snowmaggedon, I'd refer you all to the Washington Post website. On the front page you'll see some pictures of Dupont Circle here in DC. I doubt that you'll see me in the pictures but I was in fact there with some friends. It was a madhouse of a moving snowball fight including a...
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shocked Snowpocalypse....Snowmaggedon...it's all just building up. It's leading slowly and urgently building to the crescendo, the ultimate winter explosion of white crystal wetness that is...


Which is what a friend called it, cracking me up today. Washington (DC) is trembling in fear of a fluffy deluge that "MAY BE OF HISTORIC PROPORTIONS" I'm sure those of you up North are scratching your heads and wondering...
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That's awesome. A good snowfall can be extremely calming. It makes even the dullness of the suburbs or mania of the city more palatable.
Oh, yeah. I'm watching the snow fall now. Beautiful stuff. I'm just hoping my local bars manage to stay open during this, the end of days.
So it's been a rough week and a half. Found out my job ends 2 months earlier than expected. so I'm in hyper job search mode. It's caused a bump in the road for my dissertation as I focus on the job search. On the plus side, I'm ready to go. My blood was up and I was grinning the whole day from a combination...
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Another frustrating meeting for the place I volunteer. We're being pulled apart by egos and led by someone we don't want to follow. No choice about that, and as a volunteer I suppose I could just chuck it. But, I enjoy the place and what it does even if I don't enjoy working with certain people who don't know what they don't know but insist...
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Great, just got word the boss is going to be in town and wants to meet. As if I don't have enough stress right now. I've got tons of writing to do as well as regular work and work for the place I volunteer. My computer is still working (knock on wood) but I need something more portable and faster to get it all done....
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Home from the holiday weekend filled with a renewed awe of potential of little kids. Also filled with a gratitude that I'm no longer responsible for keeping small hordes of them occupied all at once.
Good day. Still coughing stuff up, but went sailing with a new sailing partner. We did well for the first time out and are in decent position for the first day of the winter regattas. She's wearing the same suit I am so we're like an ad for the Aussie company that makes them. Fine with me I dig their gear. It was great to...
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Deep in dissertation hell. I'm sick of the topic, bored out of my skull. Know I need a new job and know i'll do better hunting after the dissertation is over. Today was a lost day and I need to get my energy back up. Feel like I've been fighting off a cold or something and just wish it was completely gone.
It's the day before Halloween and all's squeaking in the house. Every creature is stirring and I'm not talking about a mouse. I've race tomorrow morning but tomorrow night for fun. What mischief can I do tonight as soon as there is no sun?