Back from Governor's Cup. Arrived back in DC at 4 am after 4 nights on the boat and 300 nautical miles of sailing including the 70 miles of the actual race. It was a blast and I'm exhausted. Will share more later.
YAY! I'm glad you're back safely and had fun!
This poem, by Robert Frost was referenced in the latest Torchwood episode.

I have been one acquainted with the night.
I have walked out in rain --and back in rain.
I have outwalked the furthest city light.

I have looked down the saddest city lane.
I have passed by the watchman on his beat
And dropped my eyes, unwilling to explain.

I have stood still...
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Muchsimo gracias, amigo!!!!! I sincerely appreciate your support.
So after the last very sad blog, it's time to focus on some good things.

First, I'm making some breakthroughs with the writing. Second, I'm finally hearing of some job openings coming up that I might be good for. Wish me luck!
Third, sailing is going pretty well. Fourth, my friends are awesome and I've been having a great time hanging out with them. Fifth,...
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I like to think of them as Emo cows!

And, thanks!
Some of the finest TV ever produced. Life sounds pretty sweet for you...Am happy for you.
Yesterday, a sailboat capsized. A 14 year old sailor got tangled in her harness and was submerged for 2 minutes. In spite of the efforts of rescuers, she died.

As a sailor, we know that we take risks each time we go on the water. Most of us train ourselves to minimize the risks and to be prepared when things go wrong. Sailing is by...
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Wow, shit. That's terribly sad.
Increidbly sad story but sailing is a risky buisness and mother ocaen exacts a heavy toll sometimes.
My thoughts are with her family.
Mine was Rogue.
Tons of stuff going on right now. Frustrations, mental sunrises (ie. OHHHH I GET IT) and everything in between. Kewpie's blog reminded me of my favorite Orioles fan, Joan Jett. The Orioles have suffered through 13 losing seasons, but at the end of last season they hired a new manager with some old ideas and low and behold, they are playing well. There's a lesson...
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That is an awesome link; thanks for pointing it out.
Tonight I watched Agora on HBO. It's an historical drama based on the last years of the life of Hypatia in Alexandria, Egypt in the early 5th century. She was the daughter of a scholar and was raised to be scholar. She's credited with major advances in geometry and astronomy.

She was also brutally murdered by a Christian mob which may or may not have...
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Hypatia's story, along with the burning of the library of Alexandria, is a really tragic moment in history. But it's so divorced from the current time that it's hard to take much away from it other than that mobs suck. There are plenty of amazing women alive in the world today; I think we can best honor Hypatia's memory by honoring them.
Bubble busting? You mean that bastard Helio? He is nothing, NOTHING, I tell you!

How's by you?

Oh, and BTW, I'll be on Mustang for this...


As I wrote before lately my life has been a series of ongoing live-action flamewars. For my part, I wanted to talk about the issues and my frustrations and was shut down. So I went a different route and joined another equally frustrated friend in his invitation to gather the people involved for a beer and just clear the air. For one reason or another...
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If you can do the job and stay away from the 'enemy' then get your head down and do it....if that's not possible find a replacement coach and move on...Life's too short.
Glad you liked the shots btw and the comparison you make is a very flattering one indeed.
So where do you sit on Houllier's tinkering for the FA Cup tie? Specially as it seemed to backfire a bit today?
Military school? Me too. My stepdad and mom sent me; it wasn't until I was 21 that my dad, the wealthier parent, told me HE paid for it. Fucking tricksters.
It's been a crazy couple of weeks and typically I'm far behind on blogging. THe last 24 hours have been busy chatting/arguing over the tragedy in Arizona and doing a bit of drinking for a good cause. I got a new pair of fins to go with the mask and snorkel I bought earlier this week and got the shop to agree to donate something...
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It was just too perfect not to repost.
Remind me to tell you the story of sitting between a Kiwi jibman and a Aussie jibman in Newport at Zelda's back in the old days. Lets just say for now that blows were exchanged. Repeatedly.

Congrats on the nomination. Great to be appreciated by your skip.
