Bought the house, pained, packed, moved in, cleaned old apartment, went on holiday bender of epic proportions, finally got the house mostly unboxed last weekend, and now I can jump start my social life (such as it is - if you can call D & D groups and having a few intimate gatherings a social life - maybe just a diversion) which has been dormant...
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fox&goose = awesome
Buying a house... started 8/17, ending soon?

Damn contractors / holiday is holding this up - frustrating

Hope to finalize this month though.

Went through hell and back on this - was offered a 5.25% at one point on half the loan, but just found out it will be 5.75 instead.

Still, a great deal, and a homeowner in less than 18 months after first...
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So I had a busy month.

A trip to the ancestral home to see my mother - her chemo cocktail wasn't too rough on her when we were there, though she timed it around our visit, I believe.

My friend and I cooked 120 brats, 120 hamburgers, about a dozen or more hot dogs for the fireworks extravaganza - good stuff, the food and the...
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Hello, interesting blog you have here.
Welcome to SGSacramento!
I have a solution for anyone who wishes to "protect" marriage from homosexuals.

Give it to them!

No, wait, seriously - this isn't a 'they deserve to be miserable like the rest of us' thing.

Marriage is a religious institution.

Under the First Amendment, the government should not be unable to codify or institutionalize marriage.

Therefore, gay, straight, or other - marriage should only be...
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If you've ever played conductor to a home performed 1812 Overture, an audience seat is never fulfilling.

In 12 short days, I get to take up the baton.

Today, it was bratwurst, which is close, but not quite the real Independence Day celebration.

Hope you had a good one - mine was very nice.
So, there's the Big Question, right?

"Why are we here?"

My answer: To help others.

That doesn't mean I want to be a true altruistic soul.

It means in fantasy I am a cape wearing do-gooder. Well, okay... likely no cape, as I have maybe three characters with capes I'd like to be, but you get the picture, right?

So what does that mean in...
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Bleh. I retract the glowing reviews of work place leadership.

The app we use crashed more today than Windows ME would...

A serious and ongoing issue that one part of the company was struggling with that caused random and unexpected crases in most programs we use was under investigation in another area in a classic
"the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is...
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eeek blush I have never been called phenomenal before blush

Thank you kiss
Thank you for your support. I'll look for some of the movies you're recommended. My roommate is also in a similar spot because he recently broke up with his girlfriend, so he and I are doing this together. I think with the support of eachother, we'll do just fine. Once the alcohol is out of my system for a bit, I'll start to feel and sleep better, and things'll pick up. One night without drinking, and I already sound a bit better! To reward myself, I think I'm going to go and get pierced tonight after work. Will post photos if I don't wimp out!
So I had a good bit of rage about bad ideas at work... they know we could work best with dual displays, yet we weren't given the systems to do so.

Not that it's a bad thing always to do without but the rationale was 'It's too expensive to do it for everyone' - and we're a department of two dozen or so, about to...
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Thanks! And your right. I've one my share of stupid things in the past, but luckily I'v learned from them. Some people just don't learn. This is gonna be a big learning experience for this dude. Too bad it took him until he was 24 to learn something from this. Well I'm just speculating...I hope he learned from this and that it dosen't happen again. Unfortunaley, my wife has to deal with this for the rest of her life...and that really ticks me off!!!

Thanks for the well wishes!

So the trainwreck received no comments. Either no one reads this blog or the respect for my privacy is enough no one pestered me for being a tease.

I hate to talk too much about trainwrecks, because my whole belief system is pretty out there, largely because of the trainwrecks.

When you have a universe that is akin to the ouroboros as part of your...
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Thank you.
So time to bare my digital soul...

I was a MidWest farm boy, leading a decent life with some normal meh.

Then, in one gigantic train wreck in '98, my love life, my home life, and my school life all fell off the track.

Clinically depressive to working hard towards normalcy and doing very well to a new major in university...

Adventures in blind dating,...
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