if Justin Timberlake is bringing sexy back then when/where did sexy go away too and is Justin qualified to bring it back ???

Please discuss as Daisy wouldn't tell me !! (I think she knows)
Me and el Daisy also known as Dai-Z (but just in the ghetto) are going to a wedding on Thursday so I had to go make myself look respectable today. I hadn't cut my hair in 3 months or shaved in a few weeks so I was looking pretty hairy. So now I'm back to being all clean shaved and somewhat respectable looking,

Speaking of...
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I'm not going no wedding with you. No, i'm going to work every day. Play along monkey. Cough, although, cough, i feel a twinge. Cough.


I still hate that picture, cuz i look, well, shit.

You, surprisingly, don't.

You hairy beast.

That photo is really nice, really sweet looking!!! Respectable?!...if only.

I do love gay bars but there is only so many stereotypes I can handle in one night biggrin
Oi, we're not having our wednsday date to wagamama's tomorrow are we? Cuz tomorrow night is McLezbopants. Emma & Erin McLezbopants.

Are you coming or not?

Dunno why i'm writing this to you, i'll probably just ring you at work tomorrow. And annoy you some. Like every other day then.

Night lumps.
mmm how very sensible! biggrin
it looks yummy...
but that might just be me getting sucked into the packaging... i'm bad at that!
it looks COOOOOL
and pink .... is it like cherry or strawberry or something? mmmmm
i think theres something very sellable about pink drinks! and PINK TEA!

anyway Hellloooo i'm daisy's friend. i'm hoping to see you when your over here smile but not sure if i can afford it yet! time will tell smile
So tonight I finished work and went to the gym. I've sworn to myself I'll go 3 times a week and after that I picked up Daisy and dropped her to the airport. We ran around and cause trouble for a bit and then had coffee. Then she went off on the plane and I went to see how fast I could get my car...
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100 clicks an hour is decent for a 1 litre car but you should've kept pushing.
When you're sure it has nothing left to give, post here.
Alas I'm on my first year of insurance and its over 1500 euros. I'd prefer not to get any points on my license
I went shopping today and got a new hoodie today. Its a bit Fallout boy but I reckon I still like it. I was supposed to be shopping for a suit for a friends wedding. Its very hard to find a suit that goes with Vans slip ons. I reckon I'm gonna go with a pair of pants I saw and a shirt and tie


Me and Daisy went on a day dedicated to me and her spending time together and me not being drunk since she fell asleep last night and bailed on your video night. We went to the park and for coffee and to a gay bar (I had cranberry and soda) and a take away. We lead a very exciting life we do. These are some...
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you don't look like you hate her.

i hate her though, she's always trying to set me up with people.
i'm going to report you for account sharing.
Me and Daisy went on a day dedicated to me and her spending time together and me not being drunk since she fell asleep last night and bailed on your video night. We went to the park and for coffee and to a gay bar (I had cranberry and soda) and a take away. We lead a very exciting life we do. These are some...
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Ha, don't send me messages back that i sent to you in a "moment". I got embarressed reading that back.

Where are we going tomorrow night? I mean, friday night has been Bodega time the last few weeks. I'm going on a non date with my wahealy first anyway. And then me and John are going for a quiet drink. And then i'm all yours. Except i've got college saturday morning, so it'll be a quiet one. Well, for me. Can i ask SNolan to come? I like him.

Why am i blipping? Can we have vidoe saturday night in my house by the way? PLEASE........ I'LL BE GOOD.
HAHAHAHA! The Curse Of A Shaved Head using a chargable razor....I know it too well.... biggrin
To celebrate being single I went to the pub straight after work friday. Worst idea ever I should have really eaten. Daisy brought me for food and chucked me into a cab at 11. I don't think I'll be repeating that.
Please don't.

I was all up for a fun night out. And then you were the drunkest person ever.

And your boss needs to stop sending me nasty texts. It's not funny anymore.

We'll try the single celebration some other night. I pulled last night. So, we need to celebrate that too.
Me and Daisy went to the pub to celebrate chrissy (she lives around the corner from my parents) and she managed to stay sober. I was on the jd and cokes and Jaeger bombs. She got me the italian villa dvd for chrissy. She rocks bigtime. Thats all I have to say really. its damn hard coming up with something original to say when blogging...
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I think your girlfriend will kill me for giving you a dvd with fit nakey ladies on it.

Course i managed to stay sober, we went to Barry's. Last time i got drunk in Douglas i announced to everyone that i was going to marry Lyndon. Much to his friends disgust. I can't be trusted to drink in Douglas. In town i can run away, and not know like everyone from school. Let's go to Douglas tomorrow night and make huge shows of ourselves. I think we'll do that tomorrow night regardless. Jaeger bombs ahoy.

Mate, i love you. I'm glad we're friends again.
You were dancing. And we did too many sneaky shots. And i was dancing with anyone that looked sideways at me.

Now i am dying. Let's do it again tonight. wink
I'm bored. Entertain me.