Your photos are gorgeous!
Thanks so much @ekka, I'm so glad that you like them.  It's been a fun way to express myself.  I'm looking forward to getting better, and hopefully getting a better camera in the future.

I'm definitely ready for a vacation. People are starting to get on my nerves, and I'm starting to get the itch to go out and take more pictures. I just have to wait two more months for my scheduled vacation. I think I can make it, well probably. Okay I'll need to take a couple of nice drives either up the gorge or to the...
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enjoy vacation !! :)
I did thanks.  :)  I put up some pictures on NurtureinNatures thread, though I'll have to add them onto my page here as well.  

It's nice to have a day off. Now I need to figure out what to do with it. I'm thinking some cleaning would be a good idea. Then messing the place up again by making some bbq pulled chicken sandwiches. Maybe watch a movie. I haven't seen The Great Escape in a while, though I really love The Big Sleep with Humphrey Bogart and Lauren...
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I knew it would happen eventually. My ex has decided to make contact. She texted me tonight saying she was thinking about me and that she knows we both hurt each other a lot and that she hopes I'm well. I have been well ever since I broke up with her back in March. Maybe I hurt her by breaking up with her, but she...
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Good for you, I know it's hard and she clearly needs help but it looks like you tried and that shouldn't be the reason for staying with her. If there's anything I've learnt in life it's that you have to take care of yourself, your life, your priorities first.

Good news for all of you who enjoy my Hiking Pictures. I just got back from my latest trip and will be posting more pictures shortly.


I've been noticing lately that there are a lot of people trying to bring me down. It's been a hard lesson to learn, but no matter how hard they try to drown me in their chaos and drama, it just strengthens my resolve to keep being me. I'm not one to toot my own horn as it were, however I consider myself to be a...
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