ok all right weekend. got to play some more guitar hero 2 for the 360. I really suck but getting much better.gonna buy it soon hopefully. but just stayed home this weekend. drank some beer. did some house work. but thats bout it later
smile I want to have guitarhero too! and to have the money to play my wow. well.... all in due time smile
well shit! another day. I will sure be glad when tomorrow gets here and im off work. got some stuff done today. got this fucking computer on the way to being paid off. so now I wont have to deal with payments to dell no more. no more of the the fucking highway robery intrest. but had to go over to my parents to deal...
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yup smile lots of fun.
well not much new. just watch eragon really nice movie. and watch U me and dupree. that was funny and good. both movies average but a must see. well im going to get off here and eat something. later
No i can't find any of that information either and that makes me sad. but I belive that it will be fixed to eventually. They've fixed a lot of things already that there's been complaints about and I belive that when all is fixed it'll be great.
ok a short blog. but so glad its friday. was just going to stay home, which I should do. but got my one friend calling me and needing a ride to his parents . well usually just party there anyway. but I guess his dad needs help butchering a Hog. so I guess that mean kind of have to go. but get fed well so....
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ok. smile well the video don't work no more frown
I hope you'll have a nice time though.
well that sounds really nice too smile
ok well the weekend is over now. decent one . just stayed home . done some cleaning and shit. got a patio set and grill from my parents for dirt cheap. so cant wait till it stays nice outside. kind of changing to a bit nasty out side. just too windy and a bit chilly. well wont have to much of that longer. but I...
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thanks, you take care too.
to bad. maybe it was bad sushi. tongue
Wow! such a nice day outside! fuck finally the grass is most of the way green. real soon people will be out mowing Their lawns . and having wondiful barbaques . shit my spelling stinks. but really excided bout this spring-summer. going to actually get out maybe get a some lawn chairs bought and a grill. already today was sitting outside and having a cold...
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what is plasterd?
well I still don't know what you meant though. smile
well A update with pictures this time.
was just going to stay home this weekend. but one friend from California was back into town for the weekend. his Grandma died so in town for short while. but went over to his younger brothers house and hung with them for a while. and got to see his little bros new baby girl Andrea! well heres the...
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yeah, guiness is the only one beer I can drink. well I guess there migh be something out there that I don't know of but from what I've tried.
Congrats for the baby!! So cute love

Thank you for the comment kiss
well nice spring day today. sucks have to work in the factory all day. but im off now. got the windows open to air out the apartment. tomorrow got to run to the doc for a checkup. and then going to try to get on some alergy meds. this over the counter stuff just doesn't work . and im sick of my sinuses draining down...
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tongue yes I know. and extremely fashoinable.
smile well hopefully it will be.
ok time for a post. havn't really been up to much . went and play the usual halo on the weekend. had my birthday here on the 28th. went and had dinner with my parents and older sister and her family. really just been playing Wow alot . got on the server Gorefiend. have some real life friends that play on that server. use to...
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Thank you, smile I managed to see all the people yesterday and I do belive it was a misstake because I've been awful today. tongue Well hopefully I'll start to be better after today.
hmm i could use a new phone, mine doesn't have a camera at all.... and the betteries are getting bad..
oh man ! day off of work! thank you snow! well I was just getting ready to go into work and then find a voice mail from my boss saying that they called off work today. so I guess thats good. but probly means we will have to work saturday witch sucks. then on my day off. why does WOW have to be down for...
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well I guess a better blog today. I was kind of drunk last night. really shouldn't of went out last night. I was kind of broke. even though the guy I was with . was like Ill pay for it. didn't really do it like he should of. yeah went to a local strip joint. this guy brought like 2 grand with him. and handed...
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ok I gues a blog whlle Im drunk. shit . go off to the fucking titty bar tongite well if a guy from work wants to pay for it. so be it. even though I did spend some money. It was a alright night. could of been better. only 3 fukomg girls showed up/ So really a lame night. one girl tjat we were playing...
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