i am so confused and worried. my stomach is killing me and i feel like im going to puke.

that sucks.

im sorry.
so I lost my best friend and lover last night. But I guess it is for the best. she needs to straighten her life out first before we can be happy together. I truly love this girl. She is the greatest. She loved me for me. I loved her for her. she is an amazing person inside and out. hope to one day marry her....
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so, long time no update. sheesh. I am on the site daily, yet I never "blog"

well anyway... not much up with me. still looking for a beautiful, intelligent girl to appear in my life. no luch thus far. =( boo

I was going to go back to michigan this weekend but then I got lazy. I will however be going to Plainfield, WI to...
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You smell like my mom....and you know how hott that makes me...meeeeeeow
Well, I am no longer getting married..... Long story short well... we grew apart mostly. We both were not happy in the relationship the way it was. So we have both gone our separate ways. So I am now single. It is quite different I must say. It has been almost three years since I was last single.

Any beautiful ladies live in the Madison...
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wow i never update this thing do i lol. anyway its been awhile still with my wonderful girly janice who i met in madison wisconsin last october.
im moving to wisconsin on september 17th !!! im soo excited to get outta michigan... hmmm im goin to ask janice to marry me soon i just gotta pick out a ring.

oh janice sent in her first...
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wooot i bet that photoset rawked!
awwwwwww love is in the air lalalala that is awesome. i wish i had pokey hair like you LOL love biggrin

im gonna move out of state in june next year i just dont know to what state and what city. any suggestions????? someone ?
move to toronto, thats a nice city smile
San Francisco I say!!!
just got back from voting! my first time i never really cared before but this is the year the year to be political. Fuck Bush i seen a report that said Bush has 39 electoral votes and Kerry has 3 that is bullshit ! how is it that this is the closest race ever yet from the preliminary counts so far bush is ahead by...
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love Gorgeous
met a beautiful girl named janice while i was in wisconsin. shes the best thing that has happened to me in years. im definately falling for her hardcore
well im goin to madison wisconsin on the 14th to visit some friends. goin to the tattoo convention hope it will be fun. anyone on here from madison wisconsin? wanna hang out at the convention? lol god im bored. theres nuthin to do anymore in this suck town. i hate michigan.
so long time no post man oh man anyway... umm yeah nuthin much to write in here i havnt been her in forever. uploaded new pics check em out.
I super like the mowhawk!!!!