so my kitty has adjusted to being naked, all lion's mane and striped little body, and she gets so snuggly when she's shaved (mainly for heat but i'll take it).

i am some what confused by this new layout...
thank you. im just learning with the photography bit but it doesn't hurt to have a nice camera to do most of the work for you.

hehehe.. the lion cut. i think kittys look funny with no fur. however my fat kitty is also a very furry longhair who does NOT like brushes either. so maybe one day....

i'm also confused by this layout...why do people need to see my comments and testimonials? i think its silly.
hi...i'm sad...i can't understand exaclty what you talking about in your blog...it's your cat !
I really need to learn english !! SG help me for that, it's cool.. but i'm limited.
I saw that you're in 2 groups who talking about animal !! cool !!! animals is a really passion for me... !!! i love cats too, but with my german shepard.. i can't have a cat, because he think that it's a toy for him.. my little Dolie (dog) like cats.. whatever, i like to meet people who like animals like me !!! merry christmas to you !!!
my poor little cat is getting shaved today... she is very difficult (and violent) when it comes to the grooming process so i'm getting it done at the vet's, they will sedate her before they attempt it...
awww.. what are they doing to her??
aw thanks
you enjoy your holidays too
and i hope your cat isnt too upset to be naked. smile
okay... so my computer died on me on tuesday, hard drive fried, but i just got it back and it's all flashy and stuff with a new flat screen monitor and all. i'm so happy to be back in action.

went to see cirque du soliel's "delirium" on friday with the girlfriend, it's the second show of theirs we've gone to see and they amaze...
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So weird that I am from Qc. and have never seen le Cirque either. Glad you liked them.

btw, warm goat cheese and warm honey = food of the gods!
If my harddrive died, I don't know what I'd do. That's where I keep all my stuff shocked

It would probably be smart of me to backup some of it...

feeling very much better... in the head anyways... pain wise.

so many clients, my weekend has been a blur.

trying to get off my ass and go to the gym, tomorrow maybe.
we'll see i guess.

how's tricks?
Happy new moon, psycheMOOON... perhaps the pain leaves witht the old moon...

Here's a quote from a favourite old book and a pic -- enjoy:

"Our moon, obviously, has surrendered none of its soft charm to technology. The pitter-patter of little spaceboots has in no way diminished its mystery.

In fact, the explorations of the Apollo mechanics revealed almost nothing of any real importance that was not already intimated in the Luna card of the tarot deck.

Almost nothing. There was one interesting discovery. Some of the rocks on the moon transmit waves of energy. At first it was feared that they might be radioactive. Instruments quickly proved that the emissions were clean, but NASA was still puzzled about the source and character of the vibrations. Rock Samples were brought back to Earth by astronauts for extensive laboratory testing.

As the precise electromagnetic properties of the moon rocks continued to baffle investigators, one scientist decided just for drill to convert the waves into sound. It's a simple process.

When the moon vibrations were channeled into an amplifier, the noises that pulsed out of the speaker sounded exactly like "cheese, cheese, cheese."

yah take it easy on the body today! glad to hear you are doing better smile
take care kiss
last night was the first migraine i've had in almost three years. i was at the movies with the girlfriend and we had to leave before the previews even started. as luck goes we were stuck in rush-hour traffic as she wisked back home to hide under the covers until the pressure went away. i have no clients today, of which i am so thankful...
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Migranes are the worst they make me wanna hurl, go watch battle Royale it's such a good movie I love it!
it's a shitty feeling cause u have to hang out with them but u dont wanna be there oh well the things we do for love
a god vibrator in the right place for a long time cures migraines (little known fact)

just don't climax.
so i had to bring my wee cat to the vet the other day, her seventh eye infection since april. the doctor took some blood and tested her for a couple viruses such as feline lukemia, needless to say i was worried. it turns out that she is all clear on the chronic viral front but she will most likely need surgery sometime down the...
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awwwwwwwww poor little babyyyy
hope she'll be ok smile
eek! I can't imagine giving a cat eye drops must be next to impossible, I know my cat would freak at even the suggestion of it.. hope she gets better.
And yah my luck has definatly changed, you know how things go in life, everything always happens at once, at least with me it does. So I'm back to my old healthy self again, little spurts of sickness like that really make you appreciate your health.

take care kiss
I met an amazing woman yesterday. She had suffered so much, a husband left her for someone else, second husband died, breast cancer, to name just a few things. But while I talked to her she radiated joy. She was happy and thankful for all she has and all she's experienced throughout her life, good along with the bad. I can't help but to be...
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Some people are so positive.

Do you know in your profile picture, even though I know it isn't, I always see it as you snorting coke. Thought I'd share...
craigslist wink its a great site for apt. listings smile
so the show last night was great!
the things those girls can do
will make your head spin.
i hope they enjoyed themselves.
did we make enough noise?

another cold and cloudy day
but i have to work anyway,
clients come despite the weather.
better on a day like this
than a nice one, huh?

shower time i think. finish the coffee first though...
thaankssmile hehe...
seriously, when do the allergies stop? my eyes are burning, throat scratchy, nose runny, and oh so whiny. Please tell me this will end soon or i may need to remove my head...
an enthusiastic salute to the goddess of cakes and all things sweet!
Hail! Hail!
cookies biggrin