How annoying. My car just got damaged in the grocery store parking lot. I can drive it, and the guy who hit it left his information, but I still feel pretty annoyed by the upcoming hassle.
I had a great vacation in Oregon since I last updated this blog. I drove like a maniac to see dear friends and ate fantastically well. So, three wins.

I got off to a great start in the new semester with a slew of superlative grades.
Hi Priapos, thanks so much for your positive comment on my set, I am happy you found it creative, as this is very important to me! Be well, be aware!
uhnnn! 26 hours at 4.0 and counting!

Also, I got some rad striped socks. They were made on 100% wind power (like this post), the proceeds benefit an artists co-op somewhere, and did I mention they have STRIPES?!

I had celebratory sushi today.
Happy New Year!!! smile smile smile
What the hell do I have to do to get a straightforward answer from a human person?
I have not sent this email yet, but I really want to.


You seem to have a high regard for my intelligence except when I disagree with your bigoted right-wing friends. I feel really hurt when I disprove their totally unsupported allegations with research and detailed references, yet you continue to believe them. I feel puzzled as well as hurt by your choice to...
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I have a craving for a tobacco cigarette for the first time in months. I have had a lot of stress lately, so thanks for piling on, past addiction. I do not wish to buy what you have to sell.
I don't mind a disagreement about the meaning of literature, and I believe that people can have correct and opposite views. I do dislike it when I disagree with the entire class. I think that the view of those who expressed it lacked nuance, sophistication, and maturity.

Nothing bad happens to the characters in The Storm, by Kate Chopin.
I think I'd like to study how to make effective regulations. I kind of dread taking political science classes, though. I can only hope the balance tilts away from politics and toward science.
I survived the first day of classes. It looks like I will have a group project in every class. Hmm.