I am a FATHER, I am a POET, I am a VETERAN, I am a dark feeling in the depth of your soul that traps your mind in a state of depression after the love of your just jumped off a building in front of you....

I am a sign of peace destroyed by a blinding pain

I am the warm feeling that you get...
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So yeah, this is another post. A thought, or just a hazy blazed daze of the shit that has gone through my mind with the time period of me sitting in the cool Cooper Road air smoking and chilling catching up on a lil SG World and seeing what's going on with my friends.

All is okay, well as good as I can ask...
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InkedGeek Why, yes it is, I bought it in the mall at Urban Underground and found out that they had a website, I'm going crazy in January, lol. The support for inked and pierced geeks is marvelous, I have to support them, lol.
Thanks for the add...I see we're cut from the same intellectual cloth.

Kudos on making guys like us (intellectual deep brothers) look good.
Oh my, oh my, oh my!!!

It has been a long time since I have been on here. Soo much has happened since I last was on here. Where do I begin, where do I begin.

I'M A CIVILIAN, lol!!!!

Yup, I think that's a good place to start, LMAO. Yes, after seven long crazy years, I am out of the United States Army. I...
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Thanks! smile Yes, he is a strong little dog...you ought to he how high he can jump too! lol

Once again it has been a while since i have been on here. Life has been crazy but, what can I say, it kinda would be weird if it wasn't...

I'm still not out of the Army yet, just waiting on fucking paperwork. Always a hurry up and wait type situation with the Army, you would think after 7 yrs this March I would...
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Wow, it has been a while since I posted, soo much shit has happened where should i begin...

Well, I hope that everyone had a wonderful Christmas and New Years, lol. Mine was wild, ended that crazy ass relationship that I was in, moved back in the barracks, and will be officially out of the Army in about 30 days, lol. There everything in a...
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Good luck finding a job in the area and congrats on still being sober! To update your email all you have to do is go to MY SG and click the settings tab that will be on your right. There will be a spot that asks for you to enter your password in order to change your email. I didn't click any further but there shouldn't be too many more steps. Everytime I go to the dentist they say that I need to get my wisdom teeth taken out. They don't really bother me too much so that's why I've kept them. I know it can be an issue keeping them but I need braces anyway.
Wow, it has been a while since I posted a blog...

Life has been crazy, my girl is pregnant, ( this might sound kinda Manish...) she is lazy, yeah I know I picked her, but I didn't think things would go this far. I thought it would be just a fling, that's all she wanted and that's all I wanted. With everything going on and...
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yeah, it was really shitty. I was actually kinda sad cause I wanted it for so long. but now I realize that I'm not even trying to fuck anymore. like all these lame ass guys have killed the desire for me.

but meh. and yes, I'm so stoked for the josephine portrait. it's just funny since the artist is white and she didn't know who she was so I had to explain life. haha, oh well. it's being tattooed on me right? who cares what others don't know/think.

is SB really a thing? I thought it was more of a joke than anything but the event is called Gay 4 Pay. It's like our Dirty Wasted Friday, where girls get trashed and do hot shit like body shots off each other and dance in their underwear but with guys. this is going to be the first one and it's going to be hilarious. but sucky since now the tables are turned and boys get free drinks for stripping instead of girls.
Hello all my dear PHAM and friends...

I hope this message reaches everyone in good health and spirits. I am doing well this day, 42 DAYS SOBER! YAY me, everything is everything, started back to work this week. Still don't do shiit, but sit around all day, but it feels good to be back at work. Oh, I slapped the dog piss out of a...
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chh, he wasn't ready for my pimp hand. it would've been like the wrath of god in that bitch. lol biggrin
So, my homies getting married today and everybody's fucking stoked! Were sitting here smoking watching Devil's Rejects, fucking awesome movie, I love hat movie. Poet got a crush, oh my my my, my eyes have Benn snatched out of my head and blessed to look upon her beauty. She knows who she is, and she has my attention. Hopefully she would indulge me in some...
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Man, the wedding was nice. I enjoyed it, I'm still tired, lol.
Aww, tell him Congrats for me smile Gotta love that good ol' love.
Hope your week is going great...we need to keep in touch more. smile

First of all, I am proud to say that I am 30 DAYS SOBER!! Yay me! So why do I feel like shit??!?!?!?!

Well, let me break my first day out of rehab down and let you know what the fuck is going on...

So, I get out of rehab today and check in at ASAP (Army Substance Abuse Program) so I can get...
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Why thank you hun <3
And secondly, fucking congrats on being sober for 30 days! Go you. don't be so hard on yourself.... we all have our vices, least you're working on yours.kiss

I have two days and a wake up and I am outta here, don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the break from reality and needed the time to get myself back together. I can't believe I let my drinking get that much outta control, but this place is not for me, I need fresh air and some sunshine( don't get that much in WA)....
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Thank you for your words! I totally agree, and I know things, no matter how tough they get, its going to make the future better, if you just stay positive and focused.
Its sad to see you go, but if you feel this place isn't for you, then you should find a place where you feel you belong, and can prosper. Its good that you have a plan of goals to attend to. I'm also in the process of starting to focus in on some goals as well.
I wish you all the best!
Haha, anime isn't really my style, but I do like to try it every now and then. Thank you so much. I appreciate it. Haha when I'm stoned, I can never remember that I wanted to draw.
When I'm baked I get trapped inside my thoughts which gives me time to break down and show them to those who can understand my insanity. My poetry is me, your art is you. Your art has every ounce of your creativity.