Just moved back home for the next month. I am offically done in the 'Cuse and now have my MS degree. I'll be headed south in Aug. I should post something more, but eah, ask and you shall recive.

Thanks for the comment on my set!
Ahhh, so I have my capstone seminar in 6 days and I do not even have a presentation together nor all my data processed... I really hope I can graduate in May else I'm going to kick some ass!

I'll fill people in (if anyone still checks it out) more after next Monday when shit calms down.
This you saucy lil' harlot!
Well, 2007 was suppose to be better than 2006... I'm still keeping the chin up, but man! Already been screwed by a girl (although I was playing with fire). Wreaked my car and still don't have it back. Have no jobs for after graduation. Am freaking out over my thesis and have less than a month until I present. Annd, I still can not seem...
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I'm getting sick, ugh! And it keeps snowing... After two feet in one day I'd think it would run out of gas.
Goals for Friday:

1. Wake up;
2. Make it to my doctor apt. on time;
3. Go on a run;
4. Get new piercing.

Simple goals, yet even waking up has been a difficult task for me. Over the last three months my schedule has morphed into me sleeping from 4/5am to 2/3pm. Now if I actually slept I would not complain as much, but...
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sweet christ on those piercings, you slayer.

Happy new to you, too, buddy.

And if this year sucks, I'm holding you responsible! hahahah!

Rock and roll, kid!


how are the new piercings treating you?
Nothing new on this end. Trying to keep my motivation with school yet it is quite hard when you have no true passion for what you are researching. Scanning Electron Microscopy class is done this Wednesday and I can not wait! Not that it is a hard class or that I don't like it, but I've been working on my final project for the last...
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How long are you around? I go home on thursday night and come back the next Friday or Saturday. I am actually taking a little solo roadtrip . . .
Law students/ "professionals" are full of shit. I HATE LAWYERS
I never try to look back. that's what you have to do. hahahah. And don't write stupid shit in the first place!
updates soon. Been slacking and I lack motovation to really post. Sorry for not writing people back. Will hit you all up later in the week!
May I just say I am tired of reading all the articles on this site? The liberalism is ridiculous and has gone overboard. So selective are the authors using information and lazy on gathering enough for a cerebral discussion. You would think I was complaining about the whining that is presented on this site daily, but I am not considering it whining. It is the...
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PMUNK, the Bush administration is still one big, giant douche that is fucking America in the ass and not bothering to call us the next day.

A hell of a lot more people hate us now than they did when the Pres was just getting a hummer in the White House.

I fear for the health and future of our country on a daily basis.

I used small words to express my sentiments plainly enough for you. hehehehheheh.


Dude, you can always just look at the boobies. remember, that was the ORIGINAL intention of the site. hee hee!
hey pmunk - just dropping a note to say hello. its been a while and well, im finally moved to geneva and have the internet. hope all is well and look forward to hearing from you sometime! peace.
May I just say I am tired of reading all the articles on this site? The liberalism is ridiculous and has gone overboard. So selective are the authors using information and lazy on gathering enough for a cerebral discussion. You would think I was complaining about the whining that is presented on this site daily, but I am not considering it whining. It is the...
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