Oh its a misunderstood world we live in.

As of late I've been thinking about friendships. How fickle mine have been over this past few years. When I open up to people, those are the ones that hurt me. But then because I have that one constant... I don't open up to those I need to. So people tend to see the wrong me, and...
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I made a reconnection today as well. Blasts from the past are always great!
it's from a HaveHeart song, but they probably took it from someplace else
I hate my life sometimes.... Its just a series of awkward moments rolled in with hurt.

I hate being a female even more though. Why? I spent my day slithering around my basement in pain, groaning and cursing to imaginary people living in my house. Overheating, cold sweats, and the overbearing need to puke everywhere and that doesn't include the gut wrenching pain rendering me...
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Tempting but I will stay here wink

I will move with you!!! smile
It's a little premature but...

I'll be spending Valentine's day alone... again.
Though technically last year I hung out with friends, but we were the Broken Hearts Club and Josh was there...s o now its like a bittersweet thing. That's when Josh told Tiffany he liked her, and Tiffany told him that she only wanted/loved Mark while Mark was obsessing over me, and I was...
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ok i think i can manage that. and don't worry it wasn't there before, i just edited that this morning when i saw what had happened.
Hay Pixie! tongue its been a little while, but i no forgetta ! that doll is super dope and doing it by hand is awesome! are you still thinking of going back to schoolie? I like your drawings..hot pictures also!
I've been... well..up north of ya..working part time, snowboarding when i can..skateboarding when its nice. .there are lots of girls around but the whole boy girl thing is kinda up and down.. i'm sure you understand biggrin
anyways just wanted to say hay, so HAY! Being lonley is wierd...i don't really have a problem being alone, but i am starting to notice how i want to be around people at times, how its nice to have someone to hang with, make out with, snuggle with... ahhhhh! i geta confused ha ha ! biggrin enjoy the day girl!
yeah, what would i do without the girls... ^^

strange, try dvdpacific next time, they're cheap and they have lots of stuff that you won't find in the usual stores.
the whole mainstream thing is such bs... germany is even worse, cause we usually only get whatever film/show was big in the states, which is annoying and stupid.
now that would be a stupid thing to do, since i can't stand the vast majority of all men... XD

hahaha, i've had so many DonniDarko dvds...
US version, german first press, UK director's cut and now i only have the US bluray. and no, i don't think that's cool, it's rather insane but i had to get it anyway. ^^
Hrm... I have weird questions running through my head. I know where they came from but I don't know who to actually ask to get an answer from. They are questions not really aimed at anyone just... things I'd like answered. Having some more issues with whats my worth and all that.

SPOILERS! (Click to view)

Do you think you could ever love? Want to...
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I <3 you! And no, it's a guy I have a massive crush on. We chatted for a bit tonight and I swear, I could have had a heart attack! LoL
ah tnaks, its hard with our disstorted skiiny model culture to ever think I've lost enough weight smile but we like to keep the boobies!
So I thought I'd come and make a post.

I'll try not get pissed off and such. Yah I'm border-lining right now. I'm not gonna go into it. Just... I wish for once, a guy would hear me. Me and my... needs and that I'm not dumb and being hopeful. If I see potential in us... I truly see it. I don't just sit and...
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Aww, thanks, doll!

Boys are dumb. Period.
girls just don't know what they want... well, they do, but it's not what i want!!! XD

you do come across tall on your pics, that's probably the reason.
5'7" is tiny though for a guy... XD
Another tiny post....

I'm really upset right now.
Not even upset just angry. Despite me telling my friends that I have anemia... they... replied with... That's gay, and that was only a few of them. The other didn't even comment.

Talked to the Doctor. I'm going to have to give up my vegetarianism....
Just for a while, for my blood to pick back up and...
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yeah, you should get a flickr. seems to be the best option for pics wink

i only passed out once, during a tattoo session and i was a bit freaked out afterwards, cause i had never heard of passing out from tattooing before... now i know it's quite common.
i can't help her much, she has her meds and all and is keeping a diet, making sure she eats whatever her body needs.

haha, you certainly are cool and awesome!! wink
as far as i know, iPhones are exclusive to T-Mobile customers here for one. i hate T-Mobile cause they're too expensive here and their customer service is shit. i'd have to cancel my current provider, which wouldn't be possible until the end of the year anyway and switch to T-Mobile, then i'd have to pay about 350$ for the phone plus 35$ just to activate it and 35$ a month for the next two years and that doesn't even include any calls, messages or internet... it's ridiculous!!
you can also finally get it through some internet sites, but it's like 1400$, which i don't have! hahaha
actually that's almost as much as my monthly salary.... bok

uuuuuh!! now i want to know!!! details... DETAILS!!!! ^^ kiss
no need to worry, you'll be fine as long as you're in good shape and you already have so many tattoos wink
i just didn't eat enough that day and it was very hot outside. now i always make sure to eat and drink properly before i go to a session.

hey, i'm clean too ^^

many things are a lot more expensive here yeah, that's why i keep buying most of my stuff online from the states or the uk.

haha, sounds good ^^
besides that you're probably a lot taller than me XD
So... I'm not in a good mood. I'm border lining livid....

Like... can anybody just cheer me up?! Like... I feel like crap, crap, crap -below crap really.
My having or being anemic is really kicking my ass. More still fine.
For many reasons, like I'm disappointed in myself. Like... I want to know I'm gonna be oh -k-. My blood levels are below needing...
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Hang in there. The human body is a son of a bitch all you can do is work through it. I wish you the best of luck and at least you have a little support even if its coming from strangers over the internet smile
cheeeering!! kiss
Just two things... I'll try and make it short.

I'm anemic and I've been violated and I'm not sure what to do. I wish I weren't so pretty right now.
Older gent tries to hit on me and by try I mean just does and then tries touching me in both my girl places. Then told me he doesn't kiss and tell... And tries to...
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A very quick, sharp knee to the groin and then call securitymadmad
wtf? fucking creep!! throw rocks at him!!!
at times like this i even more wish i was around...

I think its odd that I come here and rant about things but then other things I just don't talk about. Its like I've been living separate lives and such. Weird.
The reason why I say that is because for over a year and some change now. I've been trying to get a job. Not just any job, but one working overseas, where my...
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do whatever you feel the need to do to get on with your life. it's all about you.

i'd say depending on what you want to do in germany, you don't need much language at all.
people will try to speak (pitiful) english with you
depending on where you're going wink

btw, your new blog still doesn't show up on my activity thing...
haha thanks love ^^

it's very intresting that you feel that way! i'm pretty much the exact opposite most of the time and i don't think that's a good thing. XD

i'm like that too when i travell. i want to feel live there, not just go and see some tourist crap.
you'd do just fine then in germany