I just joined the dogs group. I really hope I can get a dog when I move. It's like this little piece of me is missing when I don't have a puppy . . . I'm just a lone pickle.

Started reading Stephen Jay Gould's "The Mismeasure of Man". It's really interesting to read up on all the bogus "genetic evidence" for intellectual capacity and...
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I took the afternoon to wander around the city and eat things. A couple of onion rings and 1516 lager in gastown, some ratiouee and strongbow on mainstreet, yes life is good.

Leaving for Calgary next thursday. Have a busy week of getting the apartment ready to show in case the landlord chooses to do so while we're away. I should also call up a...
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i think the best onion rings i've ever had were in the zellers resto in the basement of the alexis nihon mall. montreal is weird like that.
There's a NOFX banner up today, I can't believe those guys are still around. Not because they've been a band for a particularly long period of time, but because they suck.

I'm trying to decide what to do with my life. I just got my registration package for the U of C. It's kind of complicated, but I'm in the primatology program because when I...
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good luck with all your decisions ...I'm kinda in the same boat with grad schools haven't quite been motivated to actually submit any yet ughhh I lag
My life is too simple.
I've been so bored the past couple of days. I decided not to go back to work until after I move at the end of May. It's not really worth getting a job for a month, especially when I'm going to be taking time off to pack, fly to Calgary to look at apartments, reroute mail yadda yadda. Moving isn't...
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I've decided I love la fin du monde. It's a Canadian strong beer with the most delicious fruity notes instead of the nasty caffeine and pork taste that I get from stouts. I know why Quebec wants to separate now. They know they can stronghold us by way of not exporting their beer and manipulate us out of all our natural resources. Franco-Anglo bastards.

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Ah, 21. I remember it like it was 8 years ago. *sigh*

So, you don't like kids huh? That's cool. You are not alone.

Have a great day.
Pure class, and you made me laugh. Wish you all the best.
I just got ditched by my anthropology class. This is low.

We were all supposed to go to the zoo to see all the primates, but I didn't have enough money to make it all the way to Seattle, so I e-mailed my prof to let her know. Then I sold my textbooks and had money and she kind of arranged the trip so I...
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smile cheers to new buddies
Happy b-day!
FINALLY I'm free.
Wrote my last exam today.
I'm free to drink beer in my underwear and look at boobies all day. . . or night if I wanted to.

Jesus I'm bored. I need to get a book or something.
SQUEEEEE. oh man, the plans i have after tomorrow, my [final] exam
taxes + work [i'd rather be schooling]
i'm so confused
So I wrote another exam today while nursing a hangover. I'm blaming it on the Cobalt and that cheapass moosehead lager.
About the Colbalt, went to see some metal bands that my boyfriend was recording. They've really classed up the joint. The bathroom floor was TILED (previously it was just dirt), there was a soap dispenser and all the stalls had doors! I felt like...
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I think I might have some reptilian genes hidden away somewhere.
This overwhelming need to sit and bake in the sun is consuming me. I wish I had some magazines or something to read out there. My biology textbook is causing some seriously uncool tanlines.

I didn't realize I was hungover until I started my archaeology final today.I guess it could've been worse, I could've...
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It's official, I check my SG more than my e-mail. I don't check my e-mail all that often though.
Rainy and dreary, working on school stuff and studying for finals.
I took a little break to do a mud mask and lurk around on SG. mmmm minty acne clearing goodness. Speaking of acne, I just cleaned my bathroom and I've noticed that my face cleared...
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multiple a+???
LOL i actually had to google that one
no no i would never want to be 17 again. i was just commemorating kurt vonnegut's death [11 april 2007]
which i guess is a 'v card'? i am such a lit nerd
I guess I misspelled suicidegirls.com and I just got re routed to a knockoff site! How cheap!
So I'm on a study break and I don't want to spend any more money, so other than TV the interweb is my only other option.

Man I feel so bad about moving. This apartment is in shit shape. I took SUCH good care of it, being careful...
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Don't fret, that's normal wear and tear on an apartment. They have fancy pants cleaning crews that will undo your years worth of damage in hours. Get another nice place, at least one nice enough so you arent sharing it with creepy crawly things. Roaches should have to pay rent too.
ty <3
there is so much pink and blue hairdye all over our bathroom but i dont really care - the house will melt into the earth before the year is up, i am sure.
mice oughta pay rent too ^_^