A weekend in North Conway = Bavarian truffles, fresh air, mountains, friends, jew jokes, and a happy me.
glad u had a great weekend smile
Close your eyes and count to three
I'll kiss you where I shouldn't be
'cause you look like a playground to me
at first there were white tiles
second i saw blonde hair
third was heckler
fourth was koch

hey pigs are you still alive?

each of them harmless on his own
with a slight tendency toward precision candidates
for an unimportant monotonous life
but joined together

so darling
if you happen to be pregnant
and your koch meets a heckler in the sand-pit
grab kochs hand...
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I have about 11 channels on my television, and the spanish channels are the only ones that play the good movies.
Went to the Salvation Army earlier to look at books at got all the Twilight first editions which are going straight to ebay (I don't read that shit.) and a first edition of Pet Semarary (1983) with the dust cover, which I'm reading now.

I love reading Crandall's voice in my own accent XD
I went to the beer store earlier and saw someone testing their RC car in the parking lot with a truck full of electronics.

I love that. Makes me wish I had a hobby.

I want to use my brain for what it was made for and work with the people on Mythbusters.
Damn, yesterday was great. I really love new clothes.

It's still rainy and shitty out, though. Definitely cuddling weather.
Gah, it's supposed to rain and be shitty all week.

I need to read more often.
Dug a grave and buried my neighbors cat today. Bought some gin.

You were a good cat, Timmy.

It gets dark early now. From the time I left the grave to go get him, covered in lime, wrapped up, to when i walked back out of the garage, it was that much darker.
A friend of mine let me borrow GTA4 yesterday and I've been playing it for most of the night. I hardly ever play videogames anymore but it may be vital in keeping sober.

I was at my thinnest when all I did was play videogames and jerk off.