So I'm back from Europe!

Haha.. so you all didn't know I was going but that's because I'm a crappy updater.

I went to Paris and then all over Southern Germany. Saw your typical Paris touristy stuff and then more.. lots and lots and lots of walking and snapping photos and stumbling my way through really awkward conversations in French with my limited French speaking...
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Happy Birthday!!!

You are a very special woman and I hope that you have the best birthday ever! Today is a lucky day... but live it up all weekend! *hugs&kisses*
Happy Birthday!!
Well.. I'm dying...

Okay not really, I have this horrible sinus/allergy/cold thing that is making my head absolutely want to explode. Seriously, I would like to chop it off. It's pretty damned miserable. So anyways.. life isn't bad. Had a really good week last week with work and all that and got an invite to go to Germany for part of the summer, which would...
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I posted to the FL group about pride- will you be just attending or do you have something to do with something (you'll understand after reading my post)?
Okay so I've totally been putting off posting so I guess it's been awhile

I had a reaaalllyyy awesome time in San Francisco with Tim_in_tampa. We did all the classically touristy things like Alcatraz, Golden Gate, Coit Tower, Castro District, Chinatown. We did alot of wandering, took public transportation everywhere and even caught a bit of the Olympic Torch protest which was really cool....
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I'm glad you guys had a great time! I look forward to seeing pictures... Next time we get together you'll have to tell me all about it!

PS- Good luck on the custom. Wish I could join you for Dragon Con. I expect pics there too!


Nope, we could not afford to go when we found out we'd have to get our own room. It's not a problem; we couldn't afford it at this point anyway. Not with ShibariCon in May and our little random "toy" purchase we just made. I really wish we could go... frown
Only 6 more days to San Francisco! I'm so excited about the trip! I've been so stressed out and tired lately, it's just been completely crazy. I'm behind on like absolutely everything and I can't seem to get anything done. Ugh. I dunno, maybe a vacation will help me get everything back on track.

On the positive side had a busy weekend.. I spent friday...
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Hmm.. so really not a whole lot to report.

Had lots of friends over this week which has been really nice. Had weekend company, girl night company, and dinner company.. all good stuff. I love hosting people.

Umm, I'm really exhausted, the time change is killing me so that's really all for now.
I really like yr new profile pic! smile
Well this week is going a little better... my stomach appears to be working.. I can actually eat food which is a plus. Been able to get a little exercise which is also good.

Unfortunately I'm pretty sure I'm allergic to some unknown food. Trying to pinpoint it at the moment.. that is not exactly fun but it doesn't seem to be a bad allergy...
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Wohoo! DragonCon!!! Horray for geeks!
Ugh.. my weeks kinda suck...

I broke my car parking to have a beer and ended up pretty much pulling off half my bumper.. not fun. Had blood drawn and ended up fainting over and over again for a few hours and it took me a couple of days to get over it totally..

Umm work has been stressful and everyone has been gossipy and...
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I"m sorry to hear you're not feeling well still... and car accidents always suck (trust me I know for too much experience). I hope things progressively get better for you. I've been thinking about you and hopefully I'll find the time to come visit and cheer you up soon.

*Lots of Kisses!*
HA.. yes well, let me know when you're free next. I miss you guys!!!!! *pouts*
We've been doing a lot of TN &, Munch stuff lately, but I will consult SiN13 and let you know when we can visit.
But, you know you're always welcome here!!!
So it's a good thing I don't do drugs because seriously, if I had a means of just checking out of life for a couple of days I think at this point I'd do it. I'm just going through some stuff at work... yup, it's not all fun and ice cream there.. go figure. And I'm just struggling letting it go when I get home....
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If The Meds Allow You To Drink Come Down To Lakeland ANY Thursday Or SUNDAY And I'll Treat You To The A Night Of Drunken Debauchery. And If Not Then Come Down Anytime And We'll Chill Sometime.
My dear it has been a while! Cheer up love, nothing lasts forever! Underweight? You need beer and pizza.. My buddy and I were talking about starting a sumo camp...beer is an important staple in there diet..and you MUST take a nap after eating...sounds like my kind of gig.. Go to Gasparilla next Sat and see me on my horse! But I'll be in full riot gear so don't fuck up!
Wow my week was so busy and stressful. It's been so hard catching up since I got sick. My place is still a disaster and I'm so far behind on absolutely everything.

I can't even really report anything very new. I've been taking more pictures but I'm way too lazy to post them. I manage a new display pic like every 6 months and I...
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Aww, don't stress love! I'll always be here for u biggrin Maybe we need to have an emergency girls night...
*hauls in the chocolate, wine, and lesbian movies*
Wow.. am I tired.. feel like I've been running around all day. Made homemade ice cream at work, which was cool, but exhausting. If you don't know what I do, don't bother asking... but just accept the fact that when I go to work I get to make ice cream tongue

But yeah.. totally beat. Spent the weekend in Orlando at a work convention which was...
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*Drools over new profile pic*

Yes Ma'am, Ms. SmartyPants!