Well three months into the deployment. Everything seems to be settling into a routine. Guys here go to gaurd, conduct patrols, and work out. The days seem to blur together. Its hard to remember when things happened and to figure out what day of the week it is. Chow has also seemed to fall into a routine. Everday we have fish. It started off being...
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Keep on keeping on. Hopefully you guys will be getting some sweet care packages here for the holidays, that seems to be the only time American's remember y'all are still out there.
You ever get the feeling that you are the fish in the phrase "fish in a barrel?" Well, thats what I've been feeling that past few days. I got some more mail so thats good. Had some bad news come in from our sister troops in the squadron and had to go on black out. Hopefully things will get a little easier as the winter...
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Uh oh!

Well everything so far is going well. Continuing to stay alive this deployment, and got all the pay issues taken care of. Lost a lot of weight (which is good, for me). Got some mail in the other day so that was a nice moral boost. Being able to use the internet has been a huge plus this deployment. A buddy had Red vs Blue...
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dude non stop fun lol but i paid for it the next day.. fuck i was sick haha
blush Thanks!! kisskiss