I work at toys R us now. I helped my mom get signed up on match.com. She's being hilarious and kinda dumb about it. I'm probably going to the SG show in St. Louis. I say probably because no one really wants to go with me, which is really wierd. Have a great day everyone.
Thats cool, i moved out of geneseo like a year 1/2 ago. I'm glad too, that towns too cramped. Have fun in Rock Island.

also TNG rocks
I'd have a problem working at Toys R Us.

I act like a little kid when I'm in a toy store. I have to press all the buttons and pull all the strings and all that other fun stuff.

I wouldn't end up getting any actual work done.

They'd fire my ass.
sometimes the littlest things cheer me up the most. This is a ghost story that my 4 year old cousin Ethan told me the other day. He made it up of course and he couldn't tell me it unless we were under a blanket with his stuffed puppy and stuffed Donkey (from Shrek).

"One time, Michael Jordan and Dwane Wade were going fishing and this...
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That is a very odd ghost story.

It is pretty funny though. Especially coming from a four-year-old.

Happy Birthday!!
OH my god. I don't know how much longer I can stand this. Im so bored. My whole life is bored. I can watch two movies at once AND color at the same time and im just fucking bored. I need to find a job..no one will give me a job because I got fired from my last job for cussing and i have dreads...
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I'm bored, but that's primarily because I'm boring.

Everyone hates you? Why? What have you done?

I haven't had a social life in years, and it terrifies me for the most part.

Why do you think all your problems are your fault?
You are silly... i dont hate you... and i am also bored.... perk up little camper!!! biggrin biggrin
I have nothing to say
I have no job.
I suck.
sad face.
No....no suck.
Happy face
I suck too, so nice to meet ya!

And, like you, I have nothing else to say.
Ahh I haven't updated in a while. I forgot I had that new pic of me. It's a good one. hmm new news..I'm not actually working at Pacsun because Kohl's offered me a job sooner than "maybe beginning of August" which was what PacSun said. The Gathering is coming up in two weeks, which is crazy. I can't believe its so fucking close. umm..

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So you don't have to work at the dreaded Pacsun then I would think that classes as a good thing. So where you working now then?
From yahoo to SG in two minutes flat!!


Happy late late Easter everyone! um, I have to take a shower and go to work so that's all until maybe tonight or later sometime!! smile

oh yeah and I'm making this journal not private cuz some people from work are vsiting this site and so hello to you people, especially Ron!! you creep! bye!
let me clairify. i really hate anything that is on repeat outside of my apartment, especially when i'm watching television or trying to sleep.
Hmmm... no easter bunny this year.... bleck... tongue tongue tongue tongue tongue tongue tongue tongue tongue tongue tongue