I got my visa for Australia,,they are actually letting me in! *Faints*
Yep, never underestimate how bad my life can suck. confused
I hear you are coming our way! Have you joined SGAustralia? wink
I'm headed north !

Are there tours where you can swim with the crocs and jellyfish- similar to the dolphin tours?

lol..I posted this on the Lonely Planet Thorn Tree travel advice thread

ugh salem....i used to live right on the boarder of salem and roanoke...even though its basiclly the same fucking town. people there suck ass too. and whats this about tits? im confused confused
like I said, drinking and posting bad mmkay! It was a joke regarding a testimonial on Richard's page..
Going to Baltimore tomorrow to look at art museums, me loves art ! And it will get me out of the house, god I hate February.
That's as high as my expectations can get lately. whatever
I am jealous... I love art museums... though i work in art, it is not the kind that i am completely passionate about.... what we do does sell but it seems so childish and over done and everyday.... I strive to be different, creative...I can't wait to own my own business.. A couple of more years and I will be set to do so I think...
I was wondering through the pictures of England you have posted, and not ever until now have I ever truely wanted to leave the US and visit another country. Thanks for being sort of an inspiration
Another day of unemployment,,I gotta go get some buisness cards from places that I don't want to work at so I can get free gmnt cheese!
I got a comment !

Sorry, I got all excited there. Undercover I suppose has it's places. Your case at least sounded more intersting than mine. They went to my guy's house and found him barefoot in the tool shed (in the snow).
Thank You for enjoying my set. smile
Well one thing about now being unemployed is that I have waaaayy too much time on my hands! Even writing a blog that I doubt anyone will ever read ! But hopefully I will be off to Australia soon, then England in the spring. I always go to the UK in November, it will be strange having it be light there after 5 pm smile