I went to see the new play that we're hosting ..it is so good! it's based on a Greek Myth (Jason & the Argonauts ). One nice thing about working at the theatre is I'm gonna get to see it 20 times or so. So I'm a happy camper smile
i know its not the highest bar but you gotta set it somewhere wink
Well I'm working less hours now (thank god) so maybe I'll have time to be more sociable smile Alas my pillow-project in the crafty- group hasn't gotten any takers frown

Happy New Year to all (albiet belatedly)!
thanks for your feedback. unfortunately once the pics were uploaded i had no control over the order... hope you've gotten some oxygen and you're breathing again wink
So I finally decided to get a job. I started working for a theatre company, which is cool. It's a whole new world for me. I've learned that you always call it "the Scottish play" or anything else besides it's name, and that actors love free food.

Now if I can just start working less than 55 hours a week !! biggrin
agreed!!! biggrin
I got some of my Australian pictures developed ( I shot film for those old enough to remember that...) and am going to post some of them this week if anyone cares !
Your not belated, today (the 18th) is my bday, your right on time. thank you smile
Still in Australia smile Sydney is great, warm and sunny. Like London in a way, but with much better weather !!
OOoh... SMART monkeys! Lol... I wonder if the BBC will include them on one of the discs... might be a little racy. Hehehe...
So I am in Australia now. I bought a telephoto lens today ( forgot to bring mine with me- doh!! ) so i will be taking lots of critter-pictures. I saw some duckbilled platypus and Tasmanian Devils in Tasmania this week smile
7 days until I am on the fly-fly to Australia! I went book-shopping today for the flight, bought the Italian Seceratary by Caleb Carr and the Historian/ Dracula novel. Those should eat up some hours over the Pacificsmile